I have very bad lack of motivation, and I think that if I didn't have this lack of motivation, my life would be so much better. But the lack of motivation is beyond my control. I'm not intentionally being lazy. Not at all. It's just that I get set in a rut, and I find it hard to break out of it. This is quite common in any sort of people, but it's especially common in those who suffer from high anxiety, NT or Aspie.
I'm on job-seekers at the moment, but I'm finding it mighty hard to go out and find myself a job. Just walking into a shop to give in a CV of mine is a major effort for me. I don't know if it's lack of confidence, or nerves, but it is not intentional laziness - although the job centre says it is. It's so difficult, because there's something worse than misunderstanding NTs, and those are misunderstanding NTs with authority, and an Aspie can't win against misunderstanding NTs with authority. They just think I'm being lazy and not bothering to look for work - but it's not that at all. I volunteer at a charity shop every day, and so I'm not being lazy at all. I would understand if I was just sitting around on my arse every day and saying, ''I can't be bothered to get a job!'', but I'm not at all. I'm doing my best to look for work, but I'm finding it difficult. I wish the job centre would understand! I can't go on much longer being under all this strict pressure, and people thinking I'm having AS and high anxiety on purpose. I'm sick of it! Surely they could see by looking at my unconfident face that I'm doing the best I can to look for work. Do I look like some rough dosser who wouldn't give a s**t about working and wouldn't give a s**t if I was told off by the job centre or not? No!
Last time they gave me a bollocking because of my crappy job search I burst into tears after I walked out of there.