SoSayWeAll wrote:
Yeah, I did say I didn't see or hear her (which was true).
Well, here's the deal with that other car, though...
Sequence of events...
When I get to the pump, I only see #1. I pull up, believing I'm #2 in line. Because my gas tank is on the opposite side of the car from most people, I pull in driving forward. (I try to avoid this, but the gas station was so crowded I had no choice, so I intentionally picked a pump where I could see that #1 would be clear to back up.) While I am waiting, #3 shows up, trying to come in forward. #1 waves off #3 and points to me, indicating (so I thought) that I'm next in line.
#1 leaves, and as I pull in, the mystery car shows up. I THINK I've marked where that car was during this whole debacle, but I'm not sure.
I would have probably said, "no, I'm afraid I didn't see you. Where were you?"

If she indicated that she was where you thought she was, I would probably have been a d**k and said something like, "What? How am I supposed to know you're in line, when you're on the other side of the parking lot, nowhere near the line?"