Gas station question--was it justified?

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12 Jul 2010, 10:58 am

azurecrayon wrote:
he suddenly exclaimed that he was still really mad about the people blocking the end of the aisle at sams club, and then he ranted for 2 minutes about it.

perseveration is for more than just fun special interests :D

I just keep waking up at night being bugged by that awful hum in the sound when I was trying to watch Reagan's speech. I just don't understand why we all had to listen to that hum, when all the engineers had to do was tighten up the mic connections!



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12 Jul 2010, 11:20 am

SoSayWeAll wrote:
Yeah, I did say I didn't see or hear her (which was true).
Well, here's the deal with that other car, though...


Sequence of events...

When I get to the pump, I only see #1. I pull up, believing I'm #2 in line. Because my gas tank is on the opposite side of the car from most people, I pull in driving forward. (I try to avoid this, but the gas station was so crowded I had no choice, so I intentionally picked a pump where I could see that #1 would be clear to back up.) While I am waiting, #3 shows up, trying to come in forward. #1 waves off #3 and points to me, indicating (so I thought) that I'm next in line.

#1 leaves, and as I pull in, the mystery car shows up. I THINK I've marked where that car was during this whole debacle, but I'm not sure.

I would have probably said, "no, I'm afraid I didn't see you. Where were you?" :? If she indicated that she was where you thought she was, I would probably have been a d**k and said something like, "What? How am I supposed to know you're in line, when you're on the other side of the parking lot, nowhere near the line?" :lol:

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12 Jul 2010, 3:50 pm

I'd have laughed in her face for making a fuss about this. This is preschool level stuff.


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12 Jul 2010, 10:29 pm

azurecrayon wrote:
an entire thread debating the rightness of a gas station maneuver... 8O aspie forums :lol: i think you can safely change your sig to say aspie.

LOL! Though I got real laugh out of that comment, I think I will leave that determination to the professionals. ;)

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12 Jul 2010, 10:59 pm


i have change for the better.

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12 Jul 2010, 11:03 pm

yeah, wow, what an encounter.

i love the diagram. i just couldnt visualize this until that post.

this is the problem, there really is no best practice other than being willing to let other people be in your way and go first all the time. i HATE lines and navigating crowds or any form of traffic in general. just can't stand it.

i can't imagine having to do a line for a gas pump. i simply skip that station if i come to one where every pump is occupied.

classic bully, i think, though. person does something dumb, then tries to get their way by intimidation of what seems like the easiest target...

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12 Jul 2010, 11:06 pm

I work in a major city, so unless I go at weird hours, there's likely to be a line. No avoiding it...

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12 Jul 2010, 11:19 pm

imho, if you can't tell if someone is in line, they arent doing a good job of being in line. and therefore do not deserve a spot.

i hate when i stand in line at a subway or something, dont see any kind of formed line, go to the front, and it turns out some guy who was leaning on the bathroom door from across the room, or is sitting in a chair in the corner has the nerve to say he/she is "in line".

if you want something, get the f*** in line for it like everyone else. very simple concept.

i think you were completely in the right here, and applaud you for not raising a temper with that lady.


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12 Jul 2010, 11:44 pm

Honestly? I was scared. Yeah, it was an older lady, but still, I just hate being accused of things and I just wither at that. The other thing was the racial aspect...I thought I was going to wind up being accused of a whole lot of other horrible things that are not true. (And the last time someone did THAT to me, which was a customer at my old job who said that after I screwed something up, I ended up having to go into the back office and cry, it upset me so bad.)

Official diagnosis: ADHD, synesthesia. Aspie quiz result (unofficial test): Like Frodo--I'm a halfling? ;) 110/200 NT, 109/200 Aspie.

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13 Jul 2010, 12:12 am

ATs get confused about things like this too. Sounds chaotic when people were pulling into the gas pumps all different ways.

i think your response to the situation was just right.. as you were already there by then and filling up. You werent to know and the mistake already done.. so at that point just best proceding ahead (rather than causing more chaos at busy gas station by trying to move cars again due to mistakes).

Where i live.. confusion may sometimes happen as sometimes people either wait by individual pumps for a certain pump.. or they may wait back further for the first available one of all the pumps (so may end up taking one in any place or row) that becomes free, (maybe that is what that women was doing.. when people are doing this second way of lining up, they wait back further from the pumps. These ones are easy to miss when waiting).


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13 Jul 2010, 5:40 am

SoSayWeAll wrote:
azurecrayon wrote:
an entire thread debating the rightness of a gas station maneuver... 8O aspie forums :lol: i think you can safely change your sig to say aspie.

LOL! Though I got real laugh out of that comment, I think I will leave that determination to the professionals. ;)

Do you suppose that somewhere out on the internet, there is a similar thread about this Gas Station Encounter, except written by the mysterious Woman in Car #2?


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13 Jul 2010, 9:02 am

My strategy is to avoid getting gas at the places/times when the pumps are usually all in use. Once on a trip I even went out of my way, and spent more on gas, to go to another station with no wait, rather than waiting at the QuikTrip. I don't think it saved me time, but it saved me from hassle.

I tend to think, whoever pulls into the pump gets it. No real etiquette about it.

I'm guessing the lady was trying to wait somewhere where she could pull into whatever pump opened up, rather than waiting at a specific pump. And I don't think her choice (if my guess is right) means you should have let her go first -- especially since she wasn't waiting somewhere such that it was clearly visible that she was there and waiting for a pump.

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13 Jul 2010, 9:03 am

I had a similar situation but in a supermarket queue where a lady thought I was cutting in first, having come to the queue from a different direction from me. I know I was there first but she made a big almighty fracas about it. The girl at the checkout clearly thought she was the one in the wrong, and was giving her (as opposed to me) prolonged, hard, angry looks and scowls. But I came out of that feeling very shaken, as I probably would in this type of situation.


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13 Jul 2010, 10:47 am

SoSayWeAll wrote:
Yeah, I did say I didn't see or hear her (which was true).
Well, here's the deal with that other car, though...


Sequence of events...

When I get to the pump, I only see #1. I pull up, believing I'm #2 in line. Because my gas tank is on the opposite side of the car from most people, I pull in driving forward. (I try to avoid this, but the gas station was so crowded I had no choice, so I intentionally picked a pump where I could see that #1 would be clear to back up.) While I am waiting, #3 shows up, trying to come in forward. #1 waves off #3 and points to me, indicating (so I thought) that I'm next in line.

#1 leaves, and as I pull in, the mystery car shows up. I THINK I've marked where that car was during this whole debacle, but I'm not sure.

I would have probably said, "no, I'm afraid I didn't see you. Where were you?" :? If she indicated that she was where you thought she was, I would probably have been a d**k and said something like, "What? How am I supposed to know you're in line, when you're on the other side of the parking lot, nowhere near the line?" :lol:


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13 Jul 2010, 11:01 am

Anything on the road/involving vehicles is first in, first out. You were there well before that other person, therefore you were in the right. Granted, directional stuff is awkward to begin with, and chances are that person thought she could get ahead just because of direction alone. Then again, most people are of the, "It's all about me," mindset most of the time anyway, so if it wasn't you, it would have been someone else. Don't get upset about other people . . . if they do something stupid, that's the only time you need be upset (ie, if she had pulled up and dented your car out of anger).