Be Included in Autism Research
The Academic Autistic Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE) and the Gernsbacher Lab believe in research WITH adults on the autistic spectrum, not just ABOUT them.
Together, we have created the Gateway Project, which is an online gateway to research that
* encourages the inclusion of adults on the autistic spectrum in matters that affect them;
* includes adults on the autistic spectrum as equal partners in research about the autistic spectrum;
* answers research questions that are considered relevant by the autistic community;
* uses research findings to effect positive change for people on the autistic spectrum.
The Gateway Project needs your help, whether or not you are on the autistic spectrum.
Gateway studies address topics such as healthcare experiences and problem-solving. A new AASPIRE Gateway study focuses on Internet use and well-being, including feelings about connecting with other people via the Internet and social support. AASPIRE expects to use the information learned to understand how involvement in online communities may benefit individuals.
To participate in the AASPIRE Internet Use, Community and Well-Being Study and any of the Gateway Project studies:
1. Register online for a Gateway account starting at
http://www.thegatewayproject.org2. Take the online Gateway Survey. The survey takes about 20-40 minutes to complete.
3. Wait for email messages about further studies. You may be eligible for some studies and not for others. You will only receive email messages for studies for which you are eligible.
4. If you are eligible for the Internet Use, Community and Well-Being Study and decide to participate, it will take about 40 minutes to complete.
5. After finishing each survey, you can enter a drawing for an gift certificate.
Completing the survey entitles you to a 1 in 15 chance to win a $25 gift certificate.
If you would like to learn more about the AASPIRE Internet Use, Community, & Well-Being Study or Gateway Project
Go to the AASPIRE Well-Being Study page at an email to Dora Raymaker at
[email protected].
Make a telephone call to Dr. Christina Nicolaidis at 1-503-494-9602
OHSU IRB # 5568 Principal Investigators: Christina Nicolaidis, MD, MPH, Oregon Health & Science University
Katherine McDonald, PhD, Portland State University
Dora Raymaker, MS, Autistic Self-Advocacy Network
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