Tim_Tex wrote:
Is it more of a fun and relaxing experience, or is it more stressful due to being out of one's routine for a while?
The days leading up to right before I travel are hell because my daily routine and my normal thought processes which are comfortable to me are being pulled into planning and preparing for a gear switch. I could be preparing to do something really fun and I will be thinking, "why am I doing this?!".
Once I am actually on the road (or in the air) I'm totally fine because I've gone through the mental hell and made the cross-over to my new circumstance. Then I can have a fun and relaxing experience, so long as people don't bother me or screw up my carefully laid itinerary. When that happens then I have to sit in a corner for a minute and re-group, but I recover fast.
So, maybe it is stressful, but I do enjoy traveling. I don't know if this answers your question, seems like maybe this is a rather messed up reply.
As far as local traveling goes, I travel constantly and love it. But I also avoid as many people as possible.