I will spend about 60 to 70% of my time thinking about an interest, usually singular one at a time. Usually in a thought loop. Thinking in loops is very typical for Aspies. It reminds me how feed-back on a microphone happens. If your mind is focused to a point, it can tend to from a feed-back loop. So around and around it goes, thinking about the one thing over and over.
Link: Feed Back Effect
Hopefully, I will be thinking about something positive, such as mineralogy, the origin of life, lasers or a scientific paper I’m writing - my recent positive interests. I don’t like the term obsessions, its too negative. However, it is all too easy to end up thinking about something negative, every bit as continuously as a positive interest, then its obsession. Despite making considerable progress with regards social skills over the last few years, to the point that most people would not think that I’m that eccentric or different, my tendency to form narrow single minded interests is unchanged.