With me, I know EXACTLY where i got my punctuality. Back when i was between 11 and 13, my parents were about a four hour drive from each other. They got the idea to send my by interstate bus (also where i got my Spec. Int.). I absolutely cherished the visits home to my mother, i hated my father. Living in the Boston suburbs, it was an hour or so train/subway/T bus ride to the bus station. He loved to torture me by leaving on the last possible train and arriving at the terminal with less than 15 minutes to spare, and still buy a ticket. I never missed the bus, but on several occaisons i was better than 70th in line for a bus that carries 55 people, luckily on a friday night, they have an extra bus on duty, but i didnt know that until they called for "Bangor passengers board first" (bus served portland maine, then bangor, often times they would board bangor first to get us on one bus so that the second one could end in portland).
I digress..
Since then, my philosophy has been "better to be two hours early than two minutes late" I cannot, even if i try, make myself be late for anything. I go to a matinee movie, i still arrive 45 minutes before showtime. For an interstate bus, i make damn sure i am first in line, even if that means arriving ten minutes after the last bus left and sitting there for three hours, my dad taught me a good lesson there.
Glad to know (by the poll) that i am not the only stickler for on time performance.
I don't know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.