In high school, kids frequently called me "psycho" and "ret*d", and one of them said I was "a reject with the girls" (which was true!) and that the maths teacher (who was quite vocal about his Christian faith) would regard me to be "possessed." And guess what? It doesn't necessarily get any better in the adult world. A few years ago, at a church's evening service, some guys in their early 20s, visiting from Sydney, were making joshing remarks about my alleged savant-like knowledge of their rail system 1000 km away... they could pick up son something being different about me. Last November, two roughnecks intimidated me and chased me through a shopping mall (in the 1 o'clock hour... broad daylight), after accusing me of looking disapprovingly of someone they weren't even with!
Several times, people in public have laughed at me for being very uneasy at them coughing their lungs out (usually not even covering their mouths) spreading a cold or flu. It's a pity the swine flu epidemic wasn't deadlier than it is, or the docile, ignorant public here might've been willing to learn to be considerate to others. In Japan, it's accepted to stay home, or wear a mask. Here, there's a macho, "harden up" mentality that has an element of sadism to it.