I kind of have two groups of friends:
Group 1: Three friends. Friend 1: Weird, druggie, but not AS. Friend 2: Pretty NT. I don't know how we get along. Friend 3: Don't know as well as 1 & 2 (but I do know him well enough to call him a friend). I can see how he might be AS, but I'm not too sure.
Group 2: A group of people I got to know when I was in the mental hospital's adolescent floor. They pretty much all have a clinical form of depression (which is why we were there). I think one might have had schizophrenia, one had PTSD and OCD, and there's possibly more, we weren't really discussing, "OMG guys what diagnoses do you have?" so I don't know. I kind of doubt any of them have AS, though one of them seems to be kind of reclusive, but she can still socialize relatively well, with eye contact and everything, so yeah. Most of us had cut ourselves, and most of us (exluding me) used marijuana. I wouldn't mind marijuana, but considering the extremely difficult job-search right now, and how I might be a youth group leader in upcoming years, it's not something that would make me a good role model. If having AS, ADHD, and Depression could make me a good role model.