DarkReo wrote:
Whenever I try to brush my teeth, the front one will bleed even I tried as soft as I can
for me the more often i floss the less this happens. if i don't floss for awhile i will bleed again when i floss or brush. it hurts but i force myself to do it.
i am ok brushing my teeth except for occasionally gagging. i'm surprised because i sometimes tickle the inside of my mouth with my tongue and can't figure out where to keep it that it won't tickle ..
i do have trouble with mouthwash though. it burns too much.
and when they have to do those teeth molds at the dentist i have a really hard time. i've gagged and spat them out before they had solidified, which is something i don't recommend ..
i have a really sensitive gag reflex. i could not swallow pills until i was an adult. and also the feeling makes me panic .. swallowing anything slightly uncomfortable is really awful and i cry when i throw up. i have a hard time tolerating anything even touching the outside of my throat. if i put on a scarf i pull at it all day. i have a lot of shirts with collars cut off. it solves this problem and the issue with the tags and the collar seams all at once.
Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.