Blasty wrote:
I don't find either sex inferior, but I do believe that they have their respective strengths and weaknesses. Some might think that makes me sexist, but I don't. We need to be different in some ways.
I agree with your observations about some men on this forum. I do see lots of guys showing negativity toward women, when the real problem is just that they haven't figured out that sitting on the computer all day and complaining doesn't get dates, or that their one and only failed attempt is no way to gauge how dating works. That never made sense to me.
I agree with most of this.
Though I don't think all of us can get dates even if we don't sit on the comp all day/complain and no matter how many times we attempt to date. I am living proof of this, though unlike some males here, it really doesn't trouble me.
I'm just not very appealing to women....that's all there is to it.
PHYSICALLY speaking I am according to countless people (including countless women) who've told me i'm very attractive and should've been a male model, actor, Chippindale's dancer...blah, blah, blah.
I have actually been sexually involved with dozens of women over the years and I think it has everything to do with this. These relationships usually didn't last very long (though I was in one five-year relationship with a women who is currently one of my only friends) because i'm otherwise unappealing to women.
I've never had a steady job/decent income and i've never been fully financially independent of my family.
Couple this with my social deficits and my overall weirdnesses and eccentricities and i'm just not appealing to many women.
At least when it comes to the kind of women who would be appealing to ME. As for those who would ask me to "lower my standards", i'm afraid that's easier said than done. That would be like asking a gay person to start finding members of the opposite sex attractive. Through nature and/or nurture....we humans are attracted to what/whom we're attracted to and there's not much we can do about that.
At any rate....I suppose this is one of the blessing of schizoid personality disorder, at least in my case.
I am more or less indifferent towards sex. I'm not really asexual, but I do consider myself anti-sexual and I don't feel like explaining what that means to me.
Aside from my "anti-sexuality".....I view sex much in the same way I view lobster. Lobster is probably the most delicious food stuff in the world. It has many equals (in an apples/oranges sense), but nothing surpasses it. Nonetheless...if I never ate lobster again in my life, it wouldn't bother me. Nor do I think my quality of life would be any lesser if I never even tried lobster.
Last edited by Horus on 29 Aug 2010, 3:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.