I'm officially diagnosed on the spectrum, and while my vision isn't too bad (I do wear corrective lenses but they are on the weaker side - I can get by without them and I just can't read some things), I have some peculiarities about my vision:
I can move my eyes independently.
What I mean by this, is that I can make one eye look left, the other look straight ahead, or up, or down, or right, whichever direction. The only thing I can't do is make each eye go to the far outside corner at the same time.
I have a bunch of visual disturbances.
This means things like visual snow, especially in dark areas, as well as VERY easily forming afterimages - any significant light source will give me one, even if I stare for just a moment. Same for high contrast colors on walls or in books, things like that. If I'm reading a screen that is too bright, or I'm reading a book with too much light, I will get afterimages of the lines that I'm reading, which overlap over what I'm reading, which at the same time is giving me more afterimages. This can make it very distracting to read.
Computer screens do it a lot - if I have the brightness turned up too much - like I have it now so that I can describe this part well - I get the text afterimages, and on top of that, I'm getting tons of afterimages, every time I move my eyes, from everything on the page - the borders, the blue and green box thing around forum posts and around this reply box, etc.
I also get tracers and things like that.