DandelionFireworks wrote:
...I confess that I don't understand the questions and hence can't answer. What is a "color experience?" Does it mean hallucinating?
It means any sort of colour experience. I think they use this term deliberately rather than being specific about it. Could be the experience of seeing the colour on the page, or a "feeling" of a colour being associated, etc.
DandelionFireworks wrote:
If I view myself as being in a changing location on a cyclical representation of time, but see it visually, does that mean I should answer yes to the question about time having a location in space around me?
Not sure I understand completely what you are saying - if you see time (e.g. the hours of the day) visually as having a particular location in space, i.e. you can "look" at the location of a particular time (even if only in the "mind's eye"), then answer yes. Hope that made some sense.
DandelionFireworks wrote:
And as for the last of the brief initial page, ought I to answer yes given that I recently tasted a picture, despite the fact that I can't think of any other such instances?
Probably not, just means it will allow you to do the test for taste/sight synaesthesia and you will probably find that you can't answer most of the questions (though I don't know, as I haven't done that one). Nothing wrong with giving it a go for fun, though!