In mathematics, what the expert
sees and does with an image is not what the novice sees, even with the same diagrams. What the teacher
sees is not what the students see. What one student sees is not what their neighbor sees. All of these
differences impact our classroom work with diagrams and visuals.
It is an illusion that mathematical reasoning is done in the brain with language. Standard
presentations of mathematics foster this illusion, but this formal public appearance does not represent
the problem solving, the thinking, the reasoning of many mathematicians. A ballet performance does
not embody the way this performer walks around their home, or the way they practice. Analogously,
what you observe in a mathematics paper or lecture does not embody what a mathematician does while
solving the problem, or when talking with a colleague. It does not match the cognitive processes of the
mathematician, the teacher, or the learner of mathematics.
What students commonly see in a mathematics classroom is also an illusion.
Visual reasoning is not restricted to geometry or spatially represented mathematics.
As an example, combinatorics is very rich in visual patterns and associated reasoning
Even the algebra, and symbolic logic, rely on visual form and appearance to evoke appropriate
steps and comparisons. All fields of mathematics contain processes and properties that afford
visual patterns and visually structured reasoning .
Mathematicians have not developed clear, consistent ways of working with visuals, as we have
with algebra and other symbolic forms. While the larger community has the discipline to agree on
shared definitions and algebraic forms, we continually develop new diagrammatic representations, in
undisciplined ways. This mixes sustainable visuals with good cognitive fit with local eccentricities.
This gap between individual or local practices and shared conventions is an obstacle to effective
sharing and learning.
I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain