I was at a funeral yesterday for an old friend and a former member of where I used to go to church, as well as a former member of the ecumenical choir we sang with. The choir from my old church was invited to sing at the funeral, per the decedent's final request. He, his widow, another lady and I left that church after the pastoral staff fired the music director. The music director ended up taking the music director's position at the decedent's new church. It was definitely old home week. As soon as the member from my old church saw me, they were trying to get me to come back, since my voice is sorely missed (and I'm the only decent tenor they had for almost 40 years.). I just said thanks, but no thanks, as I'm still sore at the pastoral staff of that congregation, and, being originally baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod after I left grad school, I find that the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America is no longer Evangelical nor Lutheran, I politely declined. I was surprised I stayed for the entire service, since it was held in and presided over by a United Church of Christ pastor and congregation. Like the few other times I dealt with a UCC pastor, the homily made no sense, and quite frankly, wasn't even Biblically based.
I didn't say much of anything else, except to tell them I'm heading to the hospital on Monday for ultrasound, and seeing an urologist this coming Friday, since my last blood and urine tests my GP ordered found blood in my urine. I also didn't want to get into a war with these people by telling that the conditions that need to be met before I would even consider returning to my old church: namely, get rid of the current pastoral staff, get rid of the current church council, and disaffiliate with the ELCA and reaffiliate with the Lutheran Church --Missouri Synod, The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, or any of the smaller (and even more conservative) Lutheran bodies such as the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, the Lutheran Free Church, the Lutheran Church in Missions to Christ, the. North American Lutheran Church, etc.