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01 Jan 2011, 10:38 pm

I have a low pain threshold but heal up pretty quickly.
I usually bump myself and am ok. A big bump against something particularly painful results in a few seconds of intense pain.
Internal pain is my weakness.
I do hit myself when angry or excited and like the feeling.
I also get sinus problems related to stress too. Usually after simple partial seizures.

I think I become ill just a bit less than most people. I grew up with pets and played outside so I never got as sick as the other much cleaner kids with their health conscious parents.

As a kid I had high pain tolerance. I would literally fall from a large height, cut myself up and burst into laughter. I used to break things a lot and just stare at my cuts. I would even put safety pins through my skin and made myself temporary tattoos when I was bored in math class.
Then I went through puberty and can't stand pain.
I think my sensory issues are worse now too.
I'm also sensitive to medications.

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04 Jan 2011, 12:38 pm

My step mom tried to really beat me up because I seem to be a foil for her frustrations (not finishing school and perpetuating an ignorant lifestyle, in the face of public libraries, and news papers and other useful pastimes, tends to do that to people. Make them feel trapped). It just tickled, actually....

As a child I was bitten by another kid at a day care. Although it is not known who instigated he rowl in the first place. Probably me... The indentation still remains. However, it looks like pox scars now, as my face is aged and the elasticity has disfigured the scar. The caregivers didn't know until they saw my face with gooey dried sticky goo blood. I didn't make a sound. Strange.

I also face planted from a tubing Quad snow accident in cubs. Cried, but it wore off, then I went AGAIN. And the same thing happened.... same snow drift. Lol.

My brother frustrated after three or so years of helping me break from my shell, punched me saying you like movies right? Well this is Fight Club time! punch to illicit some kind emotional response, It felt discomfortable as for that was the first time or one of the rare times I actually felt a full blow (I took Karate before, but that was controlled sparring), it felt like a jolt of electricity designed to waken me from my dreamy Aspie world. Which is the premise of Fight Club to waken man's primal urges dormant after centuries of "Civilizing".

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04 Jan 2011, 12:58 pm

Hyacynth wrote:
My son has AS he as far as I can tell percieves pain differently than others his pain tolerance is huge I mostly know he is in pain when he has more trouble with keeping in control. Things piss him off easier and to a greater extent when he has an ear infection or a sprained ankle. He has burst his eardrums and only mentioned it once or told me it sounded like he had cookies in his ears. Doctors said he should be screaming in pain. It is worrysome since he has some hearing loss due to no warning of infections he does not get a fever either. When he hit a certain level of pai that he cannot handle his blood pressure goes crazy and it is hard to get him back down out of the pain since most pain meds do not work on him. For example surgery prep meds that should knock him out barely faze him while others are passed out he is only a little glassy eyed. It was impossible to keep him off of his sprained ankle and he continued to injure it because it really did not hurt It did not support his weight well and he walked oddly but little complaints except he hated it not working correctly. Just curious if anyone had these issues.

I can share some thoughts on this... On the subject of how anesthetics and sedatives work on me, it's very strange. When I was 8 or 9, I was given an EEG (test for brain nerve signals during awake and sleep cycles), and the test failed because despite loading me with the maximum dose, they could not get me to sleep. In stead, I got "drunk" and hallucinated. They had to restrain me when I tried to smash into an elevator shaft at the hospital, thinking that the elevator was there, but the door wasn't open. The doctors were puzzled, and referred my mother to a specialist at UCLA after that. It was very frightening, and I have refused sedatives and "twilight" anesthetics ever since.

On the other hand, I can tolerate pain of surgery just fine without any sedatives or general anesthetics. I've had a few moderately invasive procedures done, and tolerated the pain of cutting and all; no problem because I understood the purpose and was able to set aside the instinctive response to the nerve signals known as "pain". I know that might sound crazy to anyone who has not experienced it, but some details might be found by Googling "biofeedback". With that said, this pain tolerance does not always work. If it's a tooth ache, or a root canal procedure, I need at least novocaine. I suppose the pain of not having it wouldn't kill me, but it would not be my choice. I broke my middle finger once, and it was a compound fracture with a few splinters of bone sticking out through the skin. It hurt, but I finished the project I was doing before going to the ER to get it fixed up. The doctors said I had cut a nerve, and that my finger would never quite work right again, and I resigned to that prognosis. But to my surprise, by the time I went back to get the stitches out, my finger had regained all sensation and movement, and even the knuckle joint began to work perfectly again once the screws were out!! ! On another occasion, I had fallen down a flight of stairs while vacuuming with a cannister vacuum with metal hose piece... I finished vacuuming, then went to the grocery store. While I was getting groceries, a lady came up and said "Excuse me young man, do you need some help?; you're leaving bloody foot prints all over the store!! !" I had no idea that I had "vacuumed" a couple square inches of flesh off my left shin, and the bone was exposed under my pant leg. It only hurt after I saw it. I felt the wetness in my left shoe, but had blamed it on a rain puddle. I was more embarrassed by the spectacle in public, than bothered by the pain.

I never understood why other kids were scared of getting shots, as I didn't feel them. I also have large ear piercings and nipple piercings, all of which I did myself, with no problem at all. I could go on writing, but hopefully this gets the point across....


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18 Jan 2011, 3:59 pm

I find it reassuring to see that my high pain tolerance is a common trait shared with other asperger people.During my life I underwent three abdominal operations nd gave birth to big baby without giving significant pain demonstrations.I had peritonitis due to an ovarian cyst that had ruptured and was only moaning slightly as doctors said that I should have been lying on the floor crying in pain,and when I felt labour contractions I coped with them really good.The maternity staff wasn't aware of my aspie issue but sure felt that I was exceptional.I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at the age of 22 but as my mother said it only put words on something that could be guessed thanks to things like that and that are related to my lack of ability to express what I feel.


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18 Jan 2011, 4:08 pm

I heal pretty quick, and rarely get sick. However, my pain tolerance varies depending on a lot of factors.

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18 Jan 2011, 11:51 pm

I had to have a hystorectomy. I didn't have much pain from the actual surgery itself but this stupid cathader in my bladder was hurting me so bad I was litteraly screaming and crying. I think it was put in wrong. I was begging for it to be taken out and if they didn't I would have pulled it out myself. It was the worse pain I had ever expirenced in my life. I felt naucious and like someone had dropped a billion cinder blocks on my head when I first woke up in the recovery room and all the nurses and doctors were really worried becuase my pulse was so high. Eventually my parents were able to convince a nurse to take it out. If I ever need another surgery, I am going to have it put in writing that the urniary cathader must be taken out before I wake up or else I will just die of a ruptured apendix. The doctor told me my pulse was sky high after I woke up but as soon as they took the cathader out it went back to normal. You think they would know that. As soon as they took it out, I was basicaly Rip Van Winkle and would only wake up to use the restroom. So I have no idea why they felt it necassary to keep that stupid cathader in me. I'd rather be drenched in my own urine that have that torture devise in me. But yeah, I felt a little pain from the actual surgical site, and it actualy felt better to stand up than to lie down but it was more of a nagging pain and wasn't excruating. The "scars" from the insistion started to disapear the very next day. I've heard that when you have hystorectomy laproscopicly the recovery rate is very fast, but I don't think it's suppsosed to be the next day. I had pain in my neck from forgetting to go to the chiropracter and I'm STILL sore from the urinary cathader. The bandage for a blood draw or vaccination bothers me more than the actual needle jab.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.

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12 Mar 2012, 7:36 am

Here's a strange one: I just recently had a hockey game. As all know, it's a pretty violent sport, and one of the players on the opposing team ran me & almost buckled my knee sideways. I hobbled off, knew I was hurt pretty bad because I couldn't continue & when I went to bed that night I was in significant pain around 3am. My knee was hurting so bad it woke me out of a dead sleep. After a bit I was able to fall back asleep only to not be able to walk the next day. Due to my ridiculous ability to heal quickly here it is a week later & my knee is almost completely healed.

I've had some, what should have been, catastrophic injuries and they end up being just minor inconveniences. So I definitely believe there are many of us out there that have almost that 'wolverine' sort of ability to heal. I think I'm just one in many that were blessed with this genetic phenomena.

Used to come home with bruises that looked so god awful that you could've sworn I had been beaten with a metal club. My wife used to say "ummm did you see your arm/back/leg ... etc ... what happened?" I typically can't respond as I have absolutely no clue where the injury came from outside of "probably hockey." My wife had given up even saying anything because although I would feel like a slight discomfort I wouldn't have a clue that I was injured quite that badly. All those injuries still heal just amazingly fast. Bleeding .. just wouldn't matter, I knew there was something going on in the effected area but that was about as far as it goes.

Just wondering now if either evolution or some other thing is beginning to play a part in all of this.

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12 Mar 2012, 8:02 am

My wisdom teeth were surgically removed one side at a time. My cheek was pretty swollen, but when I went to sleep on the non-swollen side, I'd wake up on the swollen cheek every morning, this happened for both sides :lol:

When I was young, I visited my grandmother with my parents, and she had this coal heater, which had a glass window that was extremely hot. I put my hand on there and burnt it severely. My mother noticed when we got home, I never screamed or cried.

Nowadays I often have bruises on my limbs, most commonly on my knees. I don't know how I do it, I usually notice them in the bright-lighted gym locker room once a week :roll:

The curious thing about pain is that when other people directly cause it, it actually does hurt.

I rarely ever get sick, and if I do, the virus is usually done for after a day or so. I have a rather dry skin, so damaged skin doesn't heal that quickly, though everything under my skin heals rather fast.


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12 Mar 2012, 1:27 pm

I was diagnosed with gillain barre syndrome in '08. GBS is when your immune system goes out of control and attacks your peripherial nervous system. It pretty much destroyed most of the nerves in my lower legs.
I don't think i'vd ever had any kind of cut or scrape that got infected. they all healed within a few days. Even when i just rinsed them off with water. I guess my immune system is pretty good. sometimes too good. lol I also have a very high pain tollerance. I used to be able to run full speed on rocks barefoot, but now because of thd nerve damage, the soles of my feet are hyper sensative. :(

Standing on the fringes of life... offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor.
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12 Mar 2012, 1:57 pm

I am fairly sensitive to pain but I heal quickly and seldom get ill. One odd thing: I virtually never bruise. I just get a red mark as it heals and that fades away in a couple of days. I have hit my fingers by accident before, hard enough for most people to lose a fingernail or at least have it go black. My fingers just turned a bit red and you could see a white mark in the nail where it had cracked under the impact.

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12 Mar 2012, 6:02 pm

i have both; i dont feel pain unless i really suffer an injury (well, i feel it if i get hit, i just dont class the sensation as 'pain'), and even if injured, i dont bother and just heal.

as a child, i once got a cut deep into my large toe (about halfway to the bone, wide open), but i insisted on just having a suture on it.
when i was finally convinced to go to the doctor the next morning (i got the injury in the evening, after the doctors office closed), he didn't believe the accompanying adult when she explained the injury, i had only a small scratch left.
also, i have had lower-jaw surgery a few years back, but when i came back for the post-surgery checkup two days later, the doctor said something along the lines of "if i didn't know better, i'd say you didn't have the surgery yet", since i had healed up to the point that it looked like i had a fight rather then a jaw extention...

as for illness, i dont even know how that feels; the worst i had was a day of being forced to stay in bed after eating some bad chicken, but all my life i am just able to kepe on doing what i usually do by simply taking a box of tissues with me, i dont even need aspirine for any other reason then noise-headaces

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12 Mar 2012, 6:13 pm

I've fallen 10 feet onto the side of my ankle, gotten a baseball to my nose, and broke my wrist. I don't remember explicitly remember crying in pain at any occasion and I even laughed when I brole my wrist. I didn't believe it was broken for atleast 6 hours, despite it being purple and swollen. I haven't noticed healing quick but I I get cut I'll pay attention to that.

Edit: I also forget to mention. I haven't been sick in the past 2 years aside from December 31 morning.

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13 Mar 2012, 3:31 am

No and no. The smallest things cause me great annoyance, and I heal very slowly. That said, I cope with headaches and back aches very well, because I've had so many of them.

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12 Jul 2015, 2:09 pm

I'm aspie I heal really quickly. Cut my finger quite badly down to the bone with a box cutter two weeks ago. And now it looks like a scratch.


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12 Jul 2015, 2:49 pm

I'm an aspie, and I have a very high pain tolerance (can't really comment on rapidity of healing). The only real advantage of it has been in kung fu (taking both punches and kicks to the face and still keep coming) but with the downside being that whenever something is actually wrong, I wait until it actually hurts (by my standards) before I get help, which is sort of bad. I'm trying to get better at this, but phrasing it well to a doctor is somewhat iffy. "Well, it doesn't hurt, but it might have if it wasn't me... :roll: "

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12 Jul 2015, 7:14 pm

I don't know about fast healing. But I've never had an infection and most cuts stop bleeding in less then 2 minutes and heal in less then a week. and I rarely ever get sick. As far as pain tolerance goes. I've always wondered about that, because I've gone to the doctor with injuries and have the doctor as me how I can stand the pain, and I tell him, I don't know, I just do. One of my doctor express concern about this, because I could injure myself in a way that is critical and not respond to it appropriately.