Kiseki wrote:
Maybe I need to find a job like yours! There is 1 other person at work I know similar to me. He's a guy but we both basically dress like bums. We each have 1 favorite pair of pants we wear everyday and we never wear jackets like we are supposed to. All the girls dress pretty feminine though so I feel out of place.

Well there's another option too, there are a lot of jobs that require wearing uniforms so the differences in clothing style are not obvious. By this I mean general biological and medical science labs. There's a bonus too - you usually are left well alone to do your job. Remember Dr. Laurel Weaver, the forensic examiner in Men In Black I? To quote: 'I hate the living'. Well to me she seems to be an Aspie who has found their professional niche.
wavefreak58 wrote:
(note: as I am writing this, I keep thinking - good lord - I'm pedantic and formal to an extent that must be annoying even to Aspies. Sigh ...

Well in any case I enjoy reading your posts. Which might be not that good after all, provided that it's usually me who gets people bored stiff.