Avengilante wrote:
I am perfectly happy being different than the average, but I'm under no illusion about the fact that my differences often prevent me from fitting in and functioning as smoothly as even the dumbest normal person.
Wait until you're out in the world working for a living before you classify AS as 'cool'. That's when its drawbacks really become serious. And the great part is when you try to explain to someone why you're having difficulty doing something and they tell you AS is just that 'Whiny White Boy Diagnosis' and that High Functioning Autism doesn't really exist. You'll be hearing this speech a lot:
" ______(your name here)____ , We don't feel that you're fitting in with the rest of the crew, you just seem to be out of touch with what the rest of us are trying to accomplish. You don't do things the same way everybody else does and you don't spend enough time interacting with your coworkers...You seem like a decent person, but...well...we think you'd find a better fit somewhere else...so we're letting you go."
While I get exactly what you are saying, and I have experienced all of that many times.. it's only taught me that I am not meant to work under someone doing a regular 9 to 5 job. You should figure out what your passion and skills are, and work for yourself.