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27 Oct 2010, 8:10 pm

I saw it, I caved and took it simply to see what sort of questions it asked. I scored 41. It did somewhat bother me that it popped up on facebook...the same place you can take a quiz to see what color your "aura" is. :roll:

Has anyone else noticed all of the "autism awareness" popping up in the media lately?


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27 Oct 2010, 8:15 pm

I got 37 ...

You score higher if you like math and are good at remembering phone numbers. :roll:


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27 Oct 2010, 8:31 pm

PangeLingua wrote:
I got 37 ...

You score higher if you like math and are good at remembering phone numbers. :roll:

Well, I scored 41 saying that I don't like math or being able to easily remember phone numbers. So, who knows...


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27 Oct 2010, 11:00 pm

I don't think it's any more wrong for it to be on Facebook than on the various websites where you can take the quiz, or a magazine (I think it was published in a magazine).

Only one of my Facebook friends has posted a result.

Me, I didn't. I really don't want to go posting to everyone I know that I'm borderline autistic (31 on that quiz). I'll remain label-less quirky me, unless I have a particular reason to share, and that will be on an individual basis.

not aspie, not NT, somewhere in between
Aspie Quiz: 110 Aspie, 103 Neurotypical.
Used to be more autistic than I am now.


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27 Oct 2010, 11:02 pm

It's the same AQ test by Simon Baron Cohen. It's just an app now. Seriously, just chill people.
My mum did it and I actually got to talk to her about autism. And she thinks her ex may have an ASD.

I got 41. First time I took the test I got 60.

I dunno, maybe people taking it can learn more about autism. I posted a very anti- Communication Shutdown note on FB which nobody commented on. Hee hee.

I bet if someone put the Aspie Quiz up there people would think tl;dr.

It has no place on Facebook? It's all around the web. Even women's magazine sites.

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27 Oct 2010, 11:11 pm

Erisad wrote:
wavefreak58 wrote:
Online tests are really unreliable. is it a well known quiz or something new?

Here's the info on their page.

Autism Spectrum Quotient Quiz wrote:
About The Autism Spectrum Quotient Test

The Autism Spectrum Quotient, or AQ, is a questionnaire consisting of fifty questions, it aims to investigate whether adults of normal intelligence have symptoms of autism or one of the other autism spectrum conditions.

This is not "a trivial Facebook Quiz"
This is a serious scientific questionnaire and not a "silly quiz".

It is a genuine scientific tool
You can read more about it on Wikipedia.

This is not a diagnostic tool
This questionnaire does not claim to tell you whether you are or are not autistic. The reason for its use on Facebook is to raise awareness of the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and to demonstrate the complexity of the issue.

Scientific my ASS! It was published back in 2001 but has posted itself on Facebook recently to raise awareness. However, I see my friends freaking out about getting a high score. "OMG, I'm a freak!" Oh shut the hell up. How do you think I feel, huh? I'm actually diagnosed. Besides, more of the questions are catered to OCD and social anxiety than AS. Not to mention if you take it on Facebook, it forces you to give them your personal data and post your result to the newsfeed. I didn't care about posting it since everyone already knows that I have it. :/

Someone posted it at babycenter in one of the groups and people were also freaking out when they score above 20. Very few scored in the 30's and weren't on the spectrum. I scored a 33.

To me it's nothing. I don't understand why they were freaking out. I never freaked out when I have scored high on personality quizzes or high on social anxiety.

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28 Oct 2010, 3:34 am

I have taken this test quite a few times now and I am surprised how often I score highly on this test. I think the lowest I ever got was 32. I try and be honest as I can with myself and the traits presented in this test and I usually score around the 35-37 mark. I think there maybe something to it because I did have developemental delays with speech, motor skills etc which I needed physiopthreapy and speech threapy for. I would say when I was young I had moderate learning difficulties because I had poor spelling, reading, handwritting etc thankfully because of the help I got it's more mild now.

There is also the fact I often prefer being alone for long periods of time and do most things alone. I only ever had a few friends I often had and continue to have difficulty making new friends and maintaning the friendship no close friends and they often had special needs as well although not always. Even introverts apparently have quite a few friends and close friends they confide in. I do think it's one thing to need time alone (which is common with introverts) and another to actually be a loner and prefer being alone a lot of the time.


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28 Oct 2010, 5:44 am

zombiefishstix wrote:
I saw it, I caved and took it simply to see what sort of questions it asked. I scored 41. It did somewhat bother me that it popped up on facebook...the same place you can take a quiz to see what color your "aura" is. :roll:

I got 37, and my aura is violet.

I haven't noticed any negative effect from this. I am an out aspie. No one on my facebook gives two craps. Some of my friends have taken the test, and none got more than me.

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28 Oct 2010, 8:32 am

I do feel that online tests are not at all the same as actual diagnoses, but I got a 39 on that test. It's the same exact test found on another site, only modified slightly for facebook. All the questions are exactly the same.

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28 Oct 2010, 9:00 am

I consistently score borderline, between 28 and 30. I don't have any friends that have taken it.


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28 Oct 2010, 2:55 pm

:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: Would NT's take an Autism quiz? Why freak out at your score? You don't have it. FB says a lot of stuff on random quizzes like your Zues, batman, or you will start a new generation with your girlfriend after 2012. :lol: I already got a diagnosis and took the Aspie quiz on this site, so I don't need the Autism quiz on FB.

ADHD-PDD/NOS//AS (I am a friend and a menace to society)
Autism, is it in you?