I find this question impossible to answer, but I understand the premise for asking.
I, too, would love to leave my body and enter into my son's mind to experience the world through him, experience his thoughts, perceptions and feelings, since we can't meet through words. Or, at least we can meet through them to a degree.
I would say, being an NT is like being a walking ear, because I filter most of what I perceive through words, but that's only describing me, not all NT's.
I wish everyone wouldn't provide definitions of callous, closed-minded, emotionally immature, rude, unconscious people to describe ALL NT's. But.... I think that I can understand the tendency to demonize the people as a whole who did the torturing as children.
I really think that in the end, though, we're all human and we have so much in common. That if we turn inward and understand ourselves then we can understand everyone else, too, no matter what the neurology may be. Neurology is inconsequential compared to self-awareness and level of consciousness, but we don't live in a culture that promotes that type of understanding.
"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home." -Basho