Cash__ wrote:
That is becuase the premise in the original post is wrong. AS does not neccessarily lead to those things. It may in some case but not in others.
Right. There are links between AS and other things, making them comorbids, but plenty of people have AS and none of those things.. and then plenty of people with those disorders do not have AS.
Still, I don't see why people are so offended by this topic. If they don't have anything besides AS, then fine. No need to get angry that other people do. There is an entire forum on this board for people who have comorbids.
I personally have Seasonal Affective Disorder, which I do believe is related to my heightened senses, and an eating disorder that stems from my obsession with routines/dieting. Also, social anxiety because of my social awkwardness. I'm not saying AS caused those things, or that I wouldn't still have them if I didn't have AS, but when you look at the links between things it can help you understand and recover from them. It is the other things I want to recover from, not AS itself.