I'm pretty sure the term is only applied to guys, never to girls, right?
Aside from that, I'm also not too clear on the meaning... is it just the new word for jerk/dick/as*hole? Or is there some difference?
I remember reading somewhere that guys who pop the collars on their polo shirts are douches. So does it mean "rich/preppy as*hole"? Or what?
Assuming that these terms are all basically synonymous, I guess I come off as one a lot, just because of people's reactions to me - not first reactions, but over time. I don't know why this is, but perhaps it's because I try to be "friendly", but it's not my natural instinct (that would be to avoid people and just read something) so maybe I can't keep up this charade, and when people see the inconsistency, it pisses them off? Or maybe it's that I really don't know how to be normal/friendly and do a terrible job of it, thus pissing people off? I don't know.