Wallourdes wrote:
Yes, there is pattern behaviour.
I'll clarify my opinion.
I see pattern behaviour in not just cognitive observation but also because I have a great extent of empathy which had by accident. I got this because of treatment for brain tumors where one is in the left frontal lobe and one at the brainstem.
This article explains the phenomenon:
http://journals.lww.com/cogbehavneurol/ ... tal.2.aspx
The treatments where radiotherapy and chemotherapy (I explained this more thorough in other posts)
Also I hav emotional incontinence (mainly mood orientated, for example I feel sad or very happy for no apperent reason from time to time) which I haven't got entirely under control yet, up until this point I can't fully stop feeling others feelings (
I've gained a overwhelming empathy I never had before because of this situation (took years to be able to handle it, also explained in other posts), although in the time before I got this (before sixteenth birthday) I had a very basic empathic ability and trouble verbalising my thoughts and feelings. I also had the similar problems most of the people describe here - people all just didn't make sense to me.
The point I'm trying to make here is that for me there is pattern behaviour because I count the feelings and emotions (myself, others, the general atmosphere) in the equation. I have been trying on- and offline to people who have challenges with this how this works. Not getting empathy is like missing a sensory organ, it's ok as long as everybody in your enviroment either doesn't have it and/or accepts it.
The plusses in not having or atleast having empathy to a lesser extent means that energy is spent on other parts of the body and mind, for example your interests and knowledge.
I can't really say if the comparison of people who are blind or deaf that have their other senses enhanced but it might have been researched.
I would like to express that not having any empathy isn't wrong, some people just don't have it or have it to a lesser extent for some reasons.
As a workaround you could try theater acting to learn more about the pattern behaviour.
If you have questions, please do!
Hope it helps
"It all start with Hoborg, a being who had to create, because... he had to. He make the world full of beauty and wonder. This world, the Neverhood, a world where he could live forever and ever more!"