I've been an animal lover my entire life as well--my obsession is and always has been dogs. That said, I viciously disagree with Grandin over dogs--she really does not understand them that well from what I've read of her work, although as far as I know she's great with herbivores, and she committed what I tend to view a cardinal sin when she advocated breed-specific legislation (against Rotties, interestingly, and not the usual pitties). I want to be either a vet or an animal behaviorist--in large part because I'm dying to refute that 'white factoring = unstable temperament' thing Grandin asserted with a proper study over temperament correlations to coat color. Albinos come from an entirely seperate gene. Besides, if she is right, I want to know whether the link is to albino genes, dilute genes such as merling, or white factoring genes, any of which can cause a white-coated dog, although I suspect she just met one too many unstable albino dogs (she seems to focus a bit on albino Dobies) and anyone who's breeding for such an unhealthy coat color isn't going to be responsible enough to properly socialize and breed their dogs for temperament.
Ahem. I would guess that Aspies and auties tend to empathize more with animals because it's so much easier to 'read' an animal than it is to 'read' a human, and animals tend to have much simpler motives and be more 'honest.' Certainly that's the way I've always felt. I've never had to panic over whether or not my dog is angry with me and won't tell me--although that 'unconditional love' thing is complete bull, incidentally; animals won't truly love you if you mistreat them or don't care about them any more than a human will--and I always, always know how my dogs are feeling. Also, I would guess that the more developed senses of many animals would provide another way for Aspies and auties to empathize. I tend to be just as disgusted at certain scents, like perfume, as my dogs are, although I'm not nearly as enamoured with rotting squirrell carcass as they are.
cogito, ergo sum.
non cogitas, ergo non es.