ceo145 wrote:
I would like to refresh the post did my concussion made me loose intelligence or is it depression that slows me down...Which specialist should i see a psychotherapist , neuropsychologist or a doctor...
Please if you could give me an answer
To ceo145: See a neuropsychologist, but you might need to get a referral for that from your doctor. Just say you have some thinking problems since your concussion and you want some targeted therapies, and a neuropsychologist can assess and prescribe what therapies would be most useful. If that's too big a mouthful for you to say to the doctor, write it down, then read it out loud or else pass the written statement to the doctor.
Good luck ceo, even if you truly have declined in intelligence, it can be largely overcome - just try very hard to avoid future bumps! Because concussions can be cumulative.
A finger in every pie.