megans-mom wrote:
:? hi to all, so keeping it simple hmmmm so i should stick with the mostly black and white ???? as for math she struggles in thhis area especially with subtraction and when school begins we will be moving into division with remainders, i know she isnt ready for this so what should i do? and i should use objects for math is this correct??? so is it visual,spatuial or auditory for most aspies?? i am desperate i want to do what will be best for her. she does have a GREAT memory and that is how she does the math, and she does use counters to do subtraction. but how do we do division???? i dont really know her learning style she seems a little bit of all, so what do i do? thanks megans mom
megans mum...you are anxious and spunding overwhelemed here.
you need to stop and settle down..your answers arent going to be solved in a internet chat forum......
visula spatial or auditory?
no you got your grasp wrong here...you are getting emotionally overwhelemed..what i and others are trying to say is.....ask your daughter and observe her...it is diferent for aspies each one may have auditory oversensitivities or noxious stimuli...it is different for each one and one thing read in a book doesnt apply to all of us.
you sound desperate yes....remember having too many emotions here is worse than not having any!
how do you do division?
ask her teacher and then apply that to her in a one on one familair safe environement free from her noxious stimuli...(smells noises lights, colours etc)
what do you do?
you need to see what is her strengths...ok so memeory is good..but if she cant grasp division and other abstract concepts, then accept that she cant and gie her a calculator....dont force her to fit in as she will develop bigger problems than not being able to do division if she is forced to do something she just cant do.
you need to step back and stop being so anxious...i suspect you mean well...but you need to see an educationalist or a psychologist for advice here and calm down