Do all Aspies have problem with light, sound, being touched,

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15 Jan 2011, 1:11 pm

YES on all 3 for me... In a hurry, so excuse lack of details.



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15 Jan 2011, 1:59 pm

I have problems with sensory stimuli in the environment distracting me from what is at hand, such as a coworker lunch where I have to stay with the conversation~this has been a problem since I was a child. I don't like bright lights or high-register sounds,machinery sounds and many odors are distracting~often no one else can smell or hear what I do and it makes me feel very odd. I often feel I shouldn'tshouldnt say anything.


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15 Jan 2011, 2:12 pm

I don't have a problem with light. However, I may find it nice to focus on a not too strong light from a ceiling lamp, eg. when getting confused during a conversation or many people talking at once.
Sounds are only an issue when it's a sudden, loud sound, mostly when already overloaded. Eg. teenage girls' loud, sudden and highpitched laughter in the bus.
Sounds of people chewing gum creep me out too.
Touch is an issue when it's unexpected. But it also depends on how much overload I have got already.


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15 Jan 2011, 2:25 pm

Todesking wrote:
Some weird ways Aspergers effects me:
15) Spinning, riding my bike in a circle, and running on round track will make me daydream

Yeah...I'd be off in a sci-fi world of my own imagining, living out story after story while biking round and round my school's 10-car parking lot. With my teacher watching me out the window at least once, it seems. :oops:


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15 Jan 2011, 3:59 pm

Lights - anything bright and even worse, flickering too.
Sound - very loud, sudden or strident. It feels like something large pressing against me and crushing me.
Any sort of touching, when I'm not expecting it. Makes my skin crawl and I just want to back off quickly.
Hugs I tolerate, if they're advertised well enough in advance - but it must be like hugging a plank of wood for the other person. I don't initiate hugs, period.

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15 Jan 2011, 4:47 pm

Todesking wrote:
1) Light shining through half open blinds in a dark room when its daylight outside makes me dizzy and sometimes nauseas,

That's probably a migraine. (Migraines don't have to cause headaches, and that sort of dark against light thing is a common trigger for lots of people including me. Nausea is a very migraine-ish way to respond to that kind of thing.)

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15 Jan 2011, 5:01 pm

I have a problem with loud sounds, I hate to admit it but I do. Hahah forever alone ;_;


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15 Jan 2011, 5:48 pm

anbuend wrote:
Todesking wrote:
1) Light shining through half open blinds in a dark room when its daylight outside makes me dizzy and sometimes nauseas,

That's probably a migraine. (Migraines don't have to cause headaches, and that sort of dark against light thing is a common trigger for lots of people including me. Nausea is a very migraine-ish way to respond to that kind of thing.)

This is true.

Daylight mainly makes me dizzy and feels like sharp objects are being shoved into my eyes. I mean being outside does this. Being in a dark room with light coming through curtains or whatever is even worse. Migraine can happen either way, but more likely in the latter case.

One place I lived, I actually used cardboard boxes to completely cover the window so no sunlight could get in. Right now I have a heavy blanket hanging over my window.


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15 Jan 2011, 8:10 pm

Cornflake wrote:
It feels like something large pressing against me and crushing me.
Any sort of touching, when I'm not expecting it. Makes my skin crawl and I just want to back off quickly.
Hugs I tolerate, if they're advertised well enough in advance - but it must be like hugging a plank of wood for the other person. I don't initiate hugs, period.

One of my co-workers has a sister who has a low functioning autistic child when I once told him I thought I might be slightly autistic (I did not know the term back then) he said I was shy but not autistic. One of his tests he snuck behind me then grabbed me by the arm to see my reaction he said my eyes just about popped out of my head and I looked more stunned than suprised. I told him when people touch me it makes my skin crawl. He just chalked it up to "homophobia".(I am not homophobic) One of my co-workers was gay and knew me a little longer and he said that I act like that when women touch me too. So he then chalked it to shyness. He was really militant about me not being autistic. I got the last laugh though I have Aspergers.

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15 Jan 2011, 8:23 pm

I have touch sensitivities but light and sound don't give me too much grief. Loud noises don't bother me in that they don't cause "sensory overload", I don't have those. But I'm not good at making out what people are saying when there's a lot going on, it's all blah blah blah. I hate watching telly when people are talking over it, even when the TV is loud I can't hear anything. Apart from that there are may loud noises and environments I actually enjoy, like discos and firework displays. I do get annoyed with certain types of sound though, like when someone talks in an annoyingly high pitched, shouty or whiny voice I'm like STFU PLZ. Or someone singing like that. Or music on laptops with bad sound quality that's turned up full blast so you can really hear the terrible quality. But that annoys everyone doesn't it.
When it comes to light I have no problems at all. It's heat I don't do.

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15 Jan 2011, 9:03 pm

I have always had problems with sounds, noises, and loud music. I prefer a quiet environment. I'm having major problems at work because I always hear coffee mugs hitting the top of a hard desk mutiple times, loud laughing, loud phone conversations, typing, people who talk loud, throat c
clearing, and coughing. I get extremely aggitated and I feel like running away.

If I hear the bass sound of a neighbor's music playing, I feel so aggitated I want kill. It's a living hell for me.

I like the sensation of someone running their fingertips on my neck, arms, back, legs and face. I guess you could call it a gentle tickle. It's not a hard, make-you-laugh tickle. If I could invent something to do a gentle tickle without an actual person, I would use it everyday.

I would always try to get my boyfriend at the time to gently tickle me. Now for us aspies this is the dilema . . . I don't really like people, but if I have a boyfriend . . . I can get tickles. I don't do well with people, so no more tickles :cry: UNLESS, someone knows a way how I can get tickles, other than tickling myself :D

Even as child I was prone to motion sickness. If it moves . . . I get sick. Boats, cruise ships, row boats, in the car, on a plane, on a merri-go-round, amusement ride, or on the 28th floor in a wind storm and the building is swaying.

I prefer to stay home and be a homebody. I hate getting motion sick. I don't know if this part of Asperger's; I just know it is me.

I tell people that I get motion sickness just looking at a boat. I say this because people don't seem to believe me and try to get me to go on boats.

Thanks for listening. I look to reading what other's have to say.

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15 Jan 2011, 9:39 pm

Not sure if I'm really AS, but I fit a multitude of the descriptive qualities, especially this one. As a child, I was terrified of fireworks and storms; in fact, I still refuse to risk going outside at night on the fourth of July.. :oops:
My family gets mad when I get all worked up about mouth sounds (kissing, eating, etc); I still remember that traumatizing (lol) day I had to sit in the car next to a relative who was using a toothpick and act like I wasn't about to hurl 8O

Annnnyway, touch is definitely a problem, too. I don't hug...and don't get me started on the idea of someone's *gulp* hair/head/NOSE touching any part of me. Getting shots used to be an issue, but not so much anymore.

..Does anyone else have issues with smell as well?

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16 Jan 2011, 1:01 am

I really can't stand bright light, since I was a baby.

But it's different for each of us.


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16 Jan 2011, 1:18 am

I have to wear sunglasses when I go out, even at night. Sound tends to be an issue, too, as does most forms of touch. With some people, I like the touch. Others, I have few issues and I'm glad to work past those for them. With the rest... I don't like to be touched by them at all. In some cases, the touch is really just germophobia. Other times, though... it's the touch itself. Metal is something I have trouble with, too.

Certain tactile inputs, though... Well, like I said, with some people, I like their touch. Certain fabrics and other things are like that, too.

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16 Jan 2011, 1:52 am

In addition to my previous post, I too have difficulty tolerating mouth sounds. I can't stand to hear people eat/chew/lip smacking or chewing gum. I also don't like when people speak with an sssss sound. Drives me nuts.


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16 Jan 2011, 4:57 am

I hate all three. I thought it might have been due to chronic migraine + chronic headache rather than AS though, as light, sound and touch hypersensitivity are classics of chronic pain in that area.