How many of you Aspies want to be like a toddler???

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25 Jan 2006, 3:34 pm

microsoft_admin wrote:
also for your infomation i also have a stong phobia of toilets as when i was 2 i fell in to a toilet head first and the result (as my pycoligest puts it) was server pycological tramar

Can you feel when you need to urinate or defecate, microsoft_admin? If you can't feel the urge then that is something besides severe psychological trauma, it is a physical problem of some sort. However if you can feel the urge and choose to urinate and defecate in diapers instead of a toilet because of a phobia, then I would encourage you to try some sort of systematic gradual desensitization to your phobia. I had a snake phobia which I handled in that way, but my snake phobia did not limit my life nearly as much as your toilet phobia is limiting yours. You are 18 years old and still wearing diapers because you fell into a toilet when you were two. I can't believe your psychologist condones this.

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30 Aug 2011, 6:00 am

hi im 28 i have aspergers and i am also a adult baby i wear footed pjs suck my thumb play wit my teddy bear wear diapys some times crawl i just cant seem to stop actint like a baby it does get sexaul but i hate that side of it i just want to act like a baby with out it getting me turned on plus its more about feeling safe and i am sorry but my opinion is it does have to do with aspergers maybe alot of people don't have babyish feelings but they have other obsessions and to me being a baby is just one of my obsessions i just cant help it sometimes acting like a 1 or2 year older is just like heaven to me no responsibiltys no care safty cofy cozy feeling of being in a daip and footy pjs sucking on a paci its just second nature to me i am catholic and masterbation is a big sin i hate the masterbation part but i cant give up wanting to be a baby its just who i am the bible says you can not enter the kindom of heaven inless you come as a little child so i dont understand wanting to be a baby is so bad i dont understand how i can be like a child and not act like i do does it mean just be inocent like a child i dont know all i know is i want to be sweet cute and adorable and i dont want it to be sexaul anymore i think being disabled and being like a child go hand and hand cuase in alot of aspects we cant do alot of things someone are age can socailly anyway i cant hold a adult conversation i can
t go to all these adult functions were there is a certain way to act its so hard for me to be my self when you don't know how people are going to react anyway being a baby is who i am i hope god forgives me and lets me be my baby self if i could only stop it from turning me on i could be the inocont aspergers baby i want to be just a 28 year older that has a disabilty and doesn't know the world to much just like a kid that is confused about grown up stuff thats how i am sometimes anyway i am finally execpting being a asperger and if being a baby and aspergers had a connection my life would finnally make sence i go to a special needs school for disabilitys and sometimes they talk to me like im a child and i play 4 year old games on the computer like i spy in school so i think lots of people accept it and expect it are brains are very smart in some ways but in other ways we are under develept so being like a child to me is not far from the truth with anyone with as if they like to atmit it or not let them look at some of there hobbies and see if its not childish or there mannnerisms i bet you they act like a child and don't even no it i think that there needs to be more awarness of this and stop calling it infantilism when as people act this way we can't help it nt are different but there needs to be more accepts of this in the as commnity and admit that every body on the spectrume in some ways is like a child its not a incolt to me its a compliment we have the abilty to be inocent and sweet like a kid with no impuritys and are spirits can be so fresh and new and filled with wonder i am so scared of the world and of what people think of me and afraid of poeple in general cause i don't understand nts or therew world its like being on a different planet so if i see it in the prespective of a child its not so scary any mabe people will understand that i just don't get things sometimes anyway they don't and its very hard for me to describe what its like being someone with as to my family or old friends anyway thats me and i hope theres other as people that feel a little like me like a lost child in a big confusing world okay bye bye


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30 Aug 2011, 9:25 am

How many of you Aspies want to be like a toddler???

i am not an "Aspie" so to speak. i have asperger syndrome, but i do not want to subscribe to the description "Aspie". i do not like it. it is too "cute" for me. i do not like the concept of "cute" because i do not much understand it, but what i do understand about "cute" (doe eyed bambies with long eyelashes) does not apply to me.

anyway, to answer your question, i would not want to be like a "toddler".
"toddlers" "toddle", and that is an unsteady form of gait.

"toddlers" fall over often. i do not like falling over. "toddlers" are not allowed to drive. i must drive.

"toddlers" are not allowed to be unattended. i would consider it very unsatisfactory if i had to be in the presence of anyone for all my hours of the day like i was required to be when i was a small child.

i never "toddled". i was always careful and i "inched may way along". i can not remember falling over at anytime in my early childhood. i remember much from when i was 2 or 3. i do not want to be there again.


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30 Aug 2011, 9:30 am

Never. My personal idea of Hell is having to be a child again.

Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.


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30 Aug 2011, 9:46 am

Well, when it comes to romance, I'm so far away from being interested in it that being like a young child is the only way to describe my status. However, I have pesky reproductive-age biology to put a wrench in the gears, if you take my meaning. I wish I had infatuations like I did when I was a kid, without it denegrating into sexual desire.

I'm also helpless in general. I'm clueless and naive. I have something similar to imaginary friends. And, like kids, I'm self-centered... but not willingly.

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30 Aug 2011, 10:03 am

I wish I was a young child again (2-3). Life was so much easier then because I didn't have to interact with other people.


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30 Aug 2011, 10:33 am

doublek wrote:
(...) i go to a special needs school for disabilitys and sometimes they talk to me like im a child and i play 4 year old games on the computer like i spy in school so i think lots of people accept it and expect it are brains are very smart in some ways

That's ok, until you begin to realize how much more can be done/achieved with more mature mannerism and more adult-like personality. I don't mean being an outright adult all the time, you can relax, take a break sometimes, and remain a child in your heart throughout your life.

doublek wrote:
but in other ways we are under develept so being like a child to me is not far from the truth with anyone with as if they like to atmit it or not let them look at some of there hobbies and see if its not childish or there mannnerisms i bet you they act like a child and don't even no it i think that there needs to be more awarness of this and stop calling it infantilism when as people act this way we can't help it nt are different but there needs to be more accepts of this in the as commnity and admit that every body on the spectrume in some ways is like a child its not a incolt to me its a compliment we have the abilty to be inocent and sweet like a kid with no impuritys and are spirits can be so fresh and new and filled with wonder

I think everybody harbors secret feelings from childhood in their hearts, including NTs. Perhaps people on the spectrum are more susceptible to this, due to being less apt socially and usually being less mature. I'd like to point out that having intense special interests does not necessarily result in childish behavior.

Believe me, I absolutely like "cute" kids (but not toddlers so much), and I've come to realize that it has to do with the same longing for lost childhood you described in your post as well as the biologically imprinted liking of the little ones. There's nothing strange or extraordinary with that. Once you understand and accept it, you can move on with your life. Of course people should appreciate the hardships you would have to endure if you decided so.

doublek wrote:
i am so scared of the world and of what people think of me and afraid of poeple in general cause i don't understand nts or therew world its like being on a different planet so if i see it in the prespective of a child its not so scary any mabe people will understand that i just don't get things sometimes anyway they don't and its very hard for me to describe what its like being someone with as to my family or old friends anyway thats me and i hope theres other as people that feel a little like me like a lost child in a big confusing world okay bye bye

The only faithful way to help with the fears you experience is to take control of your life, no matter how hard it sounds at first. Taking perspective of your life would be prudent of you, this way you could still be a child in your heart and at the same time satisfy others around you. I'm very sorry but there's no easy way to learn how to socialize with people (NTs or not). Constant learning, counseling, practicing, repeated trial and error is inevitable. Sometimes your share will be pain and sorrow, other times feeling of achievement, relatedness, understanding, warmth, and even love that will eventually compensate you generously for the obstacles as you move along your path.


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30 Aug 2011, 5:26 pm

No I did not really enjoy being a child when I was one...and certainly do not think I would enjoy behaving like one now. But to each their own, I have to admit I cannot even comprehend why someone would want that...but if that is what makes you happy go for it...I mean as a rule people your age would certianly not want their computer time limited by their parents and would probably be dying to move out.

I will admit I am 22 and I am sure my intelligence is that of a typical 22 year old if not more advanced...but in some ways I feel more around somewhere between 16-18. like sometimes I feel like my maturity level might not be as high as others in my age group...I know I am not the only 22 year old that wears band shirts and considers themself a metalhead because they listen to metal music but I would say things like that are usually associated with younger people. I mean when your an adult your supposed to be trying to look more professional, and perform well at a job ect....and when your younger you don't want to because you dont want to conform....and I have that going on though I have a lot of reasonable reasons for not wanting to conform.

When I was a kid I usually suppresed any non-conformist feelings, because I was under the impression that was bad.....and I was always trying to be the mature one, so that was not something I really enjoyed and I struggled with that for quite some time and I did not have much of a life when I was actually 16-18 because I wanted to actually be myself but a lot of times only partially expressed I would wear the bad t-shirts, but at one point when I was like 16 or 17 I would hide one of the band shirts under my sweater in the morning so my mom would not see it but then everyone at school could. So yeah not sure what the deal is with that.


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30 Aug 2011, 5:38 pm

This thread creeps me out...
And no. I'm happy being a teenager.