lowfreq50 wrote:
Personally I find the term "aspie" to be distasteful but I use it anyway for brevity.
One problem is that it causes people to say "He is an ____" rather than He has ____." So you ARE something rather than a person who HAS something.
Also, aspie ending with "ie" is a little to cute. Cuteness can be condesending and sarcastic. It sounds more like a bratty little kid than a serious syndrome.
I completely agree 100%.
I always prefer to say that I have AS rather than call myself an Aspie. Yeah, it does tend to seem too cute and immature, and I already have come in contact with cruel NTs who don't understand and think I'm a ret*d or a freak. I'm absolutely NOT, I'm not nearly as dibilitated with it as some people, and what cruel people think is only their stupid ignorant mistake anyway. Yet at the same time, I don't want to make people's opinions like that more profound by giving myself a lable like "Aspie". It definitely seems to be something you would call yourself if you are proud to have AS and if you truely accept it - which I do not.
Most of the time I wish I didnt have AS because my life has been so hard for me.But... I also don't hate myself, in fact, I quite like who I am, and I have some really great friends who think I am a diamond in the rough as far as friends go. That I am unique in a truely good way. But they don't know how much it sucks with what I struggle with.
I guess I'm at a loss sort of, because AS is probably the reason for both my good and bad qualities. Still, I prefer to just think of it as I am who I am, and difficulties due to having AS. But not be one in the same thing as the disability by saying that I am AM Aspie.
Finally, according to that test I took, I am more Aspie than NT, but I am not like a 'full fledged Aspie'. Ofcourse, AS on the whole IS a spectrum, and not everyone has the same amount or has it in the same way. Yet I think that even as far as AS people go, I am probably a rarer type.
But I tell ya, political correctness is really a headacke and hard to keep track of! For instance, I used to always refer to people with Dwarfism as 'midgets', but I didn't realise they find that offensive. Apparantely they WANT to be called Dwarves. What? You mean like "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves", who all have their little Knome-like hats and shoes? This is a LESS offensive word? Alright.... I thought midget literally meant a 'small sized person', but they prefer to be called a name thats right up there with Elf and Knome. So it beats me! I'll just call them 'vertically challenged'.
And the n***a' word is quite confusing to me. Apparantely its offensive but not if you ARE a black individual, than you call each other that. Huh? So it being offensive all depends on who says it? Well, I'm not really up on my history so this confuses me.
But yes, I'm not exactly proud of having Aspergers syndrome, and I sure don't want to be called an Aspie.