Callista wrote:
I think it wouldn't matter so much if the world didn't think it was a tragedy to be autistic. You treasure something much more when other people devalue it.
Well said. It gives me strength to know that I am so different and why even if people always try to beat me down and conform to their ways.
I have something in common with Craig Nicholls. His band are about to release a new album and Craig said that he has been obsessed with them so they wouldn't got got this far if it weren't for his autism. The Vines are pretty damn famous. Also, I love reading interviews with him because of the way he talks.
But just knowing that I'm different and why is great. I can take all the issues I have and develop a way to get more control over my life. If I didn't know I was autistic I would not make to-do lists or stay in a routine which helps me get anything done. I would still be freaking out at why any slight change freaks me out. I'd be thinking I was going crazy every time I was sensory overloaded or had a shutdown. I wouldn't be into science because I never thought I could understand it. I'd think there was something seriously wrong with me and my lack of social skills. By the way I've developed better social skills. I still struggle but at least I know why I struggle.
Even when I found out I had ADHD I tried to change for the better. Without knowing I have these conditions basically my life would be a mess and people would be calling me stupid and lazy and I'd be thinking it too.
Conformity seems to be mutual. Yes I'd agree knowing about the label helps. It's ones personal philosophy and belief that entails the label defining ones total self. I believe this was fashioned for awareness reasons and is just about to run it's course. No one should be forced to conform to a label as an identifier to self or to not identify as a pathological concept.
However for human dignity reasons I believe it is respectful to equally enjoy these choices after one is asked out of politeness in a short time to come. Unlike abortion group agenda's and anti-cure agenda's removing the label has nothing to do with autism as a definition of self being separate as if it could be like they say but simply not conforming to a pathological concept in identity and even marketing agenda's of special interests.