do other Aspies get irritated at the littlest thing?

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22 Jan 2011, 9:03 am

Frieslander wrote:
I get irritated at the noise in the Burger King I am in right now. I got irritated on the way here (it's cold here in Michigan right now) bumping up and down on the crusty/icy snow on my bike on the way here. It drives me nuts!

I could become extremely irritated on being misunderstood, like if someone has misheard a statement of me or are focusing on entirely wrong parts of the message.


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22 Jan 2011, 9:31 am

wavefreak58 wrote:

LOL awesome ....

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22 Jan 2011, 5:28 pm

The more tired I am and/or when I have sensory overload, the more irritable I am, at increasingly minor things. I've tried to learn to take unreasonable rage as a clue I should rest, preferably someplace quiet. Not always successful at it, but better than I was 20 years ago.

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22 Jan 2011, 6:27 pm

Maybe. Thins I get irritated by may be little things to other people. But lot of things irritate me. Things people do or how they think irritate me. Even my husband irritates me when he rejects my ideas and then he blames it on my AS because he thinks I expect him to like what I like. One day he said we had no food to eat and I told him we do and told him some options and he kept saying "that isn't dinner" and his stubbornness got on my nerves. We couldn't go grocery shopping because we were too busy and I was going somewhere and it had to wait till the next day. I have had a short fuse lately. I get angry more easily.

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22 Jan 2011, 6:54 pm

Being in a car with a blasting stereo irritates me, school with all the squeaky shoes and lights and sounds irritates me. Pretty much everything does


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17 Feb 2011, 8:52 am

I get anxious at the littlest thing, but I don't know if I get irritated at the littlest thing, though I do get irritated, especially around my family. I love my family to bits, and we are the type of family who see eachother a lot and are all close, but sometimes I just find myself feeling very niggly and angry, not really with them personally, but just with the way things are. Let's get the first thing over with what makes me niggly the most. Everyone in my family are NTs and I'm the Aspie, and my only cousin who may be an Aspie too (and who I used to be so close to) has got mixed up with a control-freak man and he doesn't let her see her family at all, and nobody has seen her for a few years, even though she only lives up the road and round the corner from me, but if any of us knock round there, they get the police and then twist everything round making the police think that we are trouble-makers trying to break their relationship up, when it clearly isn't a normal relationship..... OK, let's not get bogged down on that. She's gone, and that's that, and I try not to let that ruin my life.
Anyway - moving on - all the rest of my cousins are teenagers or grown up now, so they've all found their own social lives with friends and lovers, which makes me feel like a loner towards them (even though I don't care for a social life involving parties and late nights and drinking). But I try not to let that ruin my life either, and I just try to concentrate on the few friends I have got, and consider that a social life.

But the main reason why I feel irritated around my family is because I've become so predictable. They now know what makes me angry, what makes me upset, what causes me to have a panic attack, or what other things what make me react, whether it's in a good way or a bad way. Like, for example, I hate noise made by people, like sneezing, coughing, clearing the throat, yawning loudly, and so on. And when I'm in a room with my family and somebody sneezes or something, I create. And if I decide not to create (because I can't be bothered, or if I'm too busy thinking of something else), I get the whole room look at me expectantly, as though they're waiting for a reaction, and I get embarrassed. I'm sure some Aspies know the awkward feeling - knowing everyone's looking at you waiting for a reaction, and then they comment if you don't react. You feel like saying, ''oh, leave me alone, I'm not reacting today!'' And they still comment, then I get asked if I'm feeling all right, and so on.

That's what irritates me. I am too predictable. I am 20 years old, but I act like a grouchy old woman of 70. And I seem to be stuck with this grouchy personality.



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17 Feb 2011, 4:08 pm

Joe90 wrote:
But the main reason why I feel irritated around my family is because I've become so predictable. They now know what makes me angry, what makes me upset, what causes me to have a panic attack, or what other things what make me react, whether it's in a good way or a bad way. Like, for example, I hate noise made by people, like sneezing, coughing, clearing the throat, yawning loudly, and so on. And when I'm in a room with my family and somebody sneezes or something, I create. And if I decide not to create (because I can't be bothered, or if I'm too busy thinking of something else), I get the whole room look at me expectantly, as though they're waiting for a reaction, and I get embarrassed. I'm sure some Aspies know the awkward feeling - knowing everyone's looking at you waiting for a reaction, and then they comment if you don't react. You feel like saying, ''oh, leave me alone, I'm not reacting today!'' And they still comment, then I get asked if I'm feeling all right, and so on.

My mom gets nasty coughs that she can't control, and I often find myself thinking how much I can't stand it.

What do you mean by "create" in the sense above? Is this a British vs. US thing?

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17 Feb 2011, 4:40 pm

Yes, many little things can irritate me---especially noises. I also hate it when I get sunglares off of cars in parking lots while I am eating in a restaurant---SHUT THE CURTAINS PLEASE!! ! If I see I am being set down in a sunny spot I will ask for a darker area. One time when a waiter acted put out by this, my wife and I looked at each other and said, "We're outta here." And we left while the waiter stood with his mouth open.

I also hate having to make a decision right now. I was thinking of changing medical doctors a year ago. I went for an initial consultation with him. I wasn't sold on him---but I wanted to think about it first. The receptionist handed me papers to sign to get my records transferred from my old doctor. I said I needed more time. She pushed for me to sign NOW. I told her,"Listen, I have autism, and I don't like making decisions immediately." She told me to take more time. I called back the next day and told her I was staying with my old doctor. She ticked me off with trying to pressure me.

There are other things too---but I don't want to get my blood pressure up.

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17 Feb 2011, 4:52 pm

I have a pretty long fuse, but it may get quite short when I'm tired, hungry, or generally just not feeling well. I do my best not to express such irritation, even when I do feel it, though sometimes I can't help it. I always dislike it when I get emotional because it ruins my otherwise good logic and I become a bit "jaded". Which, in turn, makes me even more annoyed... since I don't really like expressing strong emotions. They make me uncomfortable.

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17 Feb 2011, 4:54 pm

What do you mean by "create" in the sense above? Is this a British vs. US thing?

I don't know if they use it in USA but in UK we use it. It means another word for ''making a fuss''.



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17 Feb 2011, 5:04 pm

I get irritated by EVERYTHING during bad days.
Makes me moody as hell, irritates my sensory issues and makes me more prone to meltdowns.

Massive things happening in my life I can deal with, but the little things...for me it's mostly change or things that are unexpected - it's my world, everything has to be done my way and go as I want them too, when other people come along and mess with that, do things their way (aka the wrong way), not asking questions just the right way, change how things turn out, put things in the wrong places, that drives me mental and I get moody as hell.

It's great fun then when your mood makes you all the more irritable and it's really hard to just stop yourself from kicking-off with someone and say to yourself "They put the paper down at a slightly odd angle, that's okay, accept it and stay calm". Or when you're trying to focus on something, but little things in the background are bothering you so you can't concentrate any more, suddenly your sensory issues start acting up, and it makes everything so much more irritating...thus little things get to you even more.

A big stupid cycle of crankiness.

I will point out however that I'm infinitely patient with my boyfriends constant finger tapping - it's not a strimming thing, it's that he's a drummer and hyper-active at times - I will admit (because he'll be joining this forum at some point and argue with me on this one) sometimes I get annoyed by this incessant finger tapping, but trust me when I say anyone else would kill him for it :P


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19 Feb 2011, 11:40 am

I also get irritated with people. That is why I don't like going shopping. It's not always an anxiety of crowds - it's more the way I get so irritable when in a busy environment. I don't like other people invading my space, and sometimes I get so angry when people are invading my space that I really show it. That helps take the horrible angry feeling out of me, but then I have to face the consequences, which is getting looked upon as rude or miserable by other people. Like for example, if I'm in a card shop looking for a birthday card or something. and someone comes and literally stands right next to me and leans right in front of me to grab a card what I'm standing directly in front of, I tend to angrily stomp away. I can't always help myself, although I know immediately afterwards that I shouldn't have reacted like that. But I don't always know what else to do. I really don't like other people anyway, (unless I know and/or love them, but that's different), and so having them standing right on top of me in shops makes me feel like I'm being drowned by people, instead of water, and I panic. It might be a case of claustrophobia, but then again, I only seem to get claustrophobic with being surrounded by people, not things. So it can't be claustrophobia. Must be agoraphobia.

I'm scared I'm going to one day yell, ''oh my god, get the f**k out of my way!! !'' right in the middle of a shopping centre. Or I'm scared I will do worse, like go stark-raving mad, physically pushing people out of the way and screaming at whoever looks at, I'm sure I do have some self-control. Anyway, I hate to be humiliated because I have a fear of people staring at me, and people will stare at me if I go and intentionally humiliate myself. And I really don't want to be carted off to a mental hospital. Mental hospitals frighten me. I just hope my high irritation doesn't send me into a mental hospital.


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19 Feb 2011, 12:12 pm

Bloodheart wrote:
I get irritated by EVERYTHING during bad days.
Makes me moody as hell, irritates my sensory issues and makes me more prone to meltdowns.

Massive things happening in my life I can deal with, but the little things...for me it's mostly change or things that are unexpected - it's my world, everything has to be done my way and go as I want them too, when other people come along and mess with that, do things their way (aka the wrong way), not asking questions just the right way, change how things turn out, put things in the wrong places, that drives me mental and I get moody as hell.

It's great fun then when your mood makes you all the more irritable and it's really hard to just stop yourself from kicking-off with someone and say to yourself "They put the paper down at a slightly odd angle, that's okay, accept it and stay calm". Or when you're trying to focus on something, but little things in the background are bothering you so you can't concentrate any more, suddenly your sensory issues start acting up, and it makes everything so much more irritating...thus little things get to you even more.

A big stupid cycle of crankiness.

I will point out however that I'm infinitely patient with my boyfriends constant finger tapping - it's not a strimming thing, it's that he's a drummer and hyper-active at times - I will admit (because he'll be joining this forum at some point and argue with me on this one) sometimes I get annoyed by this incessant finger tapping, but trust me when I say anyone else would kill him for it :P

I am exactly the same at times, the sounds that really used to do my head in was when a bus goes "Tsssssss" right next me, and I've always hated the sound of plates clapping together.


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19 Feb 2011, 1:59 pm

ASMJT wrote:
I will be working on something, and continuously drop related object on the ground. After dropping aforementioned object approximately five times, I will attempt to pick it up again, angrily, only to have it slip out of my fingers, without completely leaving the ground, another five times. The result = :evil: :evil:, and a plethora of things (including expletives)flying through the air, and finally me walking away for a while mumbling to myself.
Try walking away before it gets that's far.

I get irritated too, but I've gotten a lot better at indentifying the source and then either removing the irritant, or deciding to endure it for the duration I have to. It makes a huge difference to how irritated you feel.

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19 Feb 2011, 8:53 pm

For me its been the dogs next door. One NEVER shuts up. The other barks frequently but has a louder and deeper bark that really sets me off. I've considered a number of things to shut them up. Throwing fireworks in their direction, setting up high frequency sound emitters (which don't work btw...I tried it), walking over and letting them out of their kennel (though I don't know if they are aggressive and would attack), and even shooting them............I'd LOVE to shoot them but I really don't think I could live with myself if I went through with it :\ My only solution is walking around outside wearing earplugs.
