I started working at my previous job eight years ago. I was not sure if I had ADHD because I had not been testing, and I felt I could afford to be tested or the meds if I was. In 2006, my counselor told me I have asperger, which is the first time I ever heard the word. In 2008, I started taking meds for depression and ADHD. I still take meds. In 2008, I told people at work have ADHD and maybe asperger. In 2010, I look about he signs for children with asperger on the wikienpendia. A lot of signs I experience when I was a child. For example, I did not learn how to tie my shoes until I was eight.
A coworker suggust, I have my phycolgiest write sometimes in my file saying a I have ADHD and asperger. I also requested for many years, I want to be transfer from cahsier to stocker, because I felt more relax and more productive on the floor. I was a very hard worker. She refused. In November, I was wrote for supposely being rude to a customer while I was the only cashier upfront with four customers in line and my current customer credit was decline. Before the week was up, the doctor who prescribed my meds (Dr. Hunter) until last May, gave me a note. The following week I went on leave for 4 days. Also that month I asked for a reasonable accomdation requested. My request and appeal was denied, even though Dr. Hunter said my asperger makes inpersonnal relations hard.
In early May, I was fired, because I was supposely rude to another customer at the register, even in both cases the managers did not care what I had to say. When I talked to the District HR manager, she asperger is not a disability, because it does not keep me from doing my job. The day I was fired I went to my area EEO office and file a complaint, but I not sure it did much good. I am currently on unemployment and plan to work with a job agency through voc-reb next month.
I think most people in the US, have never heard of asperger, and many people who have heard it, may not want to know anything about, especially employer. Note all my annaul reviews were said I was a steady preformer.