Hmmm... I feel uncomfortable around people who have hangups about talking about such things (such as my mom). After all, Aspies are generally unfettered by society's artificially manufactured and PC values and idea of norms. Where I used to work I was known to have some of the most colorful language of anyone around and had no qualms whatsoever about announcing openly exactly what I was going to do when I headed across the street for my (major) morning bathroom visit.
Speaking of bruises, I could tell one about a scar from four stitches on my tail that could still be felt and seen 20-25 years later. When I was 17, I jumped off the front of a boat gently trying to sit for a second on the bow so as to not have such a long fall. In the process my tail ended up landing right on the ornamental fin that you find at the front of many boats. Ouch!! !