Teebst wrote:
There have been a few threads on the board regarding best cities to live in if one has asperger's, but all the best cities seem to be located in the North and cold.
I haven't read the other threads, but let me guess: all of the north, cold cities were generally in the northeast?
It's not that the cold makes society more tolerant in general, it's that warm = The South. I live in the Bible Belt myself. It's awful. Not to mention what it does to "sex" XD. (I'm not joking. Missionary 24/7 anybody?) I know you probably didn't care about sexual preferences, but where you live affects that too (by a large amount), and most people don't consider that.
However, thankfully there
are exceptions. I live in Fayetteville, Arkansas. But my small town here somehow makes it on the lists compiled by Kiplingers. We are considered the 2nd best city to live for artistic expression. As a whole, the city is filled with self expression, tolerance, and fun people (along with some not-fun people, as always). It's not uncommon to walk down the street and see two girls holding hands and kissing, or two guys buying groceries together; a hippy chilling at the bus stop or a gothic person chilling at the mall. And for the most part, all of these people are "accepted". A good chunk of people here (with a very strong dissent from the other people) actually enjoy seeing different kinds of culture and lifestyles. It's quite amazing, and something I've never seen anywhere else. Although Kiplingers did say that there was a city in Washington that beat us out for spot number 1.
You might also try the south-west, or California. I don't know anything about those regions of the country.