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Are you fascinated by maps??
Yes (Deal) 46%  46%  [ 62 ]
Yes (Deal) 46%  46%  [ 62 ]
No (No Deal) 4%  4%  [ 5 ]
No (No Deal) 4%  4%  [ 5 ]
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10 Jul 2006, 10:10 pm

I used to drive a truck,got a bunch of them,interested in them for sure. Not obsessed with them.

They make perfect sense in a world full of things that don't make sense.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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10 Jul 2006, 10:24 pm

I get a copy of my old hometown map every other week when I rent a car. I lived here for twenty + years I still cant throw the damm things away. I ended up with about 15 copies before I realized I was keeping them.
Google earth is soooooo evil I have lost a couple of days playing with it already.


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11 Jul 2006, 8:42 pm

emp wrote:
I like studying maps but I am not obsessed with them. Except for that time back in 'nam where we had to walk through a mine field using a hand-drawn map to guide us, while Viet Cong stood beyond the mine field and banged trash can lids together and made lots of noise and pulled funny faces in an attempt to distract us from reading the map properly.

I did'nt know you Aussies were in 'nam. :? :roll:

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11 Jul 2006, 9:13 pm

I have always loves maps as a kid I had so many on the walls of my room it was like wallpaper I also used to trace out map from my big map book. I can just sit and read an atlas like it's a regular book. I have road maps for every city in my state , topographic ones too and nautical charts for the coastal waters

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12 Jul 2006, 1:58 am

I am definitely obsessed with maps--in fact, two of my major hobbies are directly involved with them! I love playing on Google Earth for hours when I get the chance (though in a sadistic ironic twist, my laptop's graphics card causes GE to crash the system), and love atlases as well. I can name virtually any national capital from memory, could probably identify most nations on a blank map, and am fascinated with mountains and highpoints.

Oddly enough, my roommate last year was equally obsessed with maps, but I don't believe he had AS--he just led a very sheltered life.

I'll think of something witty to put here later.

<i>This text is supposed to be italicized!</i>


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12 Jul 2006, 3:16 am

I like to look at maps-on paper, off-line. Aesthetically they appeal, plus they convey information. I'm not obsessed, but I can spend an hour just paging through an atlas, if it strikes my interest. Enjoy variety of depictions, from local to global, from aviation to geologic maps. Don't travel much (I get motion-sick, homesick, agoraphobic, etc.) but am curious about other places. Maps are way to get a grasp on that which is too vast to wholly comprehend.

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12 Jul 2006, 7:34 pm

I like to look at maps and road atlases. I have done it every since I was a kid. I like to plot road trips and find points of interest. I am too broke and too cheap to travel but I can look at maps and go on fake vacations in my mind. I also have Rand McNally Tripmaker installed on my computer and I go in and plot trips from my home to different destinations even though I am not going to these places any time soon.


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13 Jul 2006, 12:12 am

I Google up Maps on the Internet, all the time. I can't get enough of them.


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13 Jul 2006, 1:37 am


One of my best friends is a vietnam vet. Aussies were in Vietnam. Not as many of us got killed as yankees though.

My friend told me they'd figure out where the Yankees were going, and make sure they went somewhere else. Far away. This only failed once when the Yankees didn't go where they said they were going, ie their navigation was completely crap. It got even better when the lost yankee called an air strike on to the place he thought the enemy was, but was actually where he was. Unfortunately for him, his air force backup was not as crap at navigation as he was.

I swear the Yankee Military are their own worst enemy.

Blue Jay
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13 Jul 2006, 7:01 pm

ever since i could read i've been obsessed with maps (both real and make-believe). as a child i would stare at my parents' atlas for hours, studying every little detail and often drawing copies. i am also obsessed with drawing fictional maps.


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15 Jul 2006, 8:48 pm

WOW I can't believe it!! 90%

This is the one thing that lead me to suspect I had Aspergers in the first place. I listen to Kevin & Bean on KROQ in the morning. They always joke that Bean has Aspergers. One thing he mentioned was his facination with maps. As soon as he said that, I turned an looked at my map of the L.A. area I had on the wall. I've had a map on my wall since I was 7. :? Who knew...

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16 Jul 2006, 7:24 am

I have thing with historical atlases, as well as atlases with information (like demographic information colored in), or electoral maps. I also like maps of alternative history.

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16 Jul 2006, 8:28 pm

I'm fascinated by maps.

I've been able to draw a map of the US from memory, with most major cities, since 4th grade. I can now do it with more cities and the entire Amtrak system on it, and can now do it in about 6 and a half minutes. In fact, I have decorated my dorm/college apartment room walls with (free) maps instead of (more costly) posters.

And it's not just map-drawing. I looooove Google Maps ( I like even better than Google Earth, since it's easier to have a map overlay on). I consider a map much more exciting to read than a book, and even when watching movies and stuff, try to map out the locations in the story (I saw Jaws last night...and tried to figure out the street layout that was being perceived in Amity during the boring parts of the movie...).

It's actually really interesting. I had a VERY Aspie childhood, but changed drastically during college, and now (having just graduated) can pretty much pass as NT. It is because of this I am a "Not Sure if I Have It" with regards to AS. People who knew me as a kid have sworn I have AS, but people who have only gotten to know me in recent years would probably laugh if I told them I could have it. I had few friends as a kid, but by the end of college had developed a large and wonderful group of friends.

About 9 months ago, I was talking with a friend of mine who I met while in college and is a special ed major. My map-drawing abilities (known very well through my group of friends) came up, and she told me that the only people she knew who were capable of drawing a map of the US from memory were the students she's worked with who have AS. I thought that was very interesting, but wasn't in the least suprised. I didn't tell her about my childhood traits, and still wonder if she's suspecting AS in me or not (I have only told 2 or 3 of my closest friends who didn't know me as a kid that it may even be a possibility), but I did think that was really interesting.

Great topic, and I'm glad there's a thread on this.

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25 Jul 2006, 10:51 am

I was obsessed with maps at the end of 3rd grade going into 4th.


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25 Jul 2006, 11:45 am

Too bad I can't remember any of the names of the countriesland masses, or bodies of water :?. Yes, I can stare at maps forever.


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25 Jul 2006, 2:16 pm

With me, the obsession isn't so much with looking at existing maps as it is with making my own. I have access to hundreds of gigabytes of raw (public, commercial and proprietary) GIS data through my employer, and have written numerous programs to organize, convert, filter and error-check the data and integrate it into viewable maps.

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