Solidess wrote:
Guys will be guys....
But Its not a bad idea if we have equal fairness atleast. If there IS gonna be a female calendar, there better be a male one too!
And (this is in response to the last bit) girls will be girls. Heh.
Let's face it: people will be people.
With that in mind, I do agree--if there's a female one, let's have a male one, for equality's sake.
Also, in each one, we should throw in a couple of self-proclaimed "hideous people" to counteract any arousal people get, so that they don't exploit this for mastrubatory purposes! Then again this is an Aspie site, so chances are there'd be some people who'd find them arousing anyway. We have strange taste after all. XD
Let's also have the Aspie Calendar: Psycho Edition, featuring never-before-seen photos of WrongPlanet members with psychotic and/or eeeevil looks on their faces!! (Sometimes while holding Ramen noodles or doing impressions of a certain "Nny.")
But WAIT! There's more! Call to order this Calendar collection RIGHT NOW and you'll also recieve Aspie Calendar: Nice Guys Edition, featuring all of WP's most adorably spineless nice guys, and Aspie Calendar: Prozac Edition. (Possiblesideeffectsmayincludelossofscalpandpenis.) BUT WE'RE NOT DONE YET! Call RIGHT THIS SECOND and you'll also recieve this EXCLUSIVE Aspie Calendar: Fetish Edition! You haven't seen pr0n like this before! This exclusive expanded edition features such never-before-seen-collections as "Asexual Aspies in Sexual Situations!", "MrMark & His Jester Hat," and of course, "Emp & A Nun Doing The Nasty While Debating About Religion."