Another_Alien wrote:
I was basically 'normal', with an average number of friends, until I was about 15. At that age my Autistic problems began, and I began to become more isolated (though I have friends again now).
I think it depends what 'type' of Aspie you are. If you're the classic nerdish introverted type then its pretty unlikely that you ever had many childhood friends, and you may never have many friends.
If you're more the 'somewhat more extroverted, but very immature for your age' type - like me - then it's quite likely that you were fairly 'normal' until puberty at which point the pressures of expecting to be more mature will probably prove too great for you, and you'll break down in some way. It sounds as though this might have happened to you too OP.
Yes that sounds almost exactly like me. I got to about 13 and was expected to get intimate with girls and start smoking pot etc. That was way too much for me! lol
I think confidence probably plays quite a big factor in it. I've been properly socially isolated and chronically depressed for most of twenties so i'm an entirely different character to the one i was then. Maybe my reactions to the world are just the same but because i'm not a little boy anymore they are far more noticeable as strange than they were then? I did alot of daydreaming at primary school but then kids are allowed to daydream. These days i probably just look lost, upset and confused to my peers.