You're not Aspies, You're Indigo Children.

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14 Jul 2006, 4:03 pm

I agree with jman,

It clearly states that asperger can be controlled with professional help. But only if you feel you are an extreme case. Heck i may have APs, but i wouldnt wanna freak every people i meet by saying "hey dude, i'm wierd, i'm autisic, i asperegic you feel me??" I think i am good where i am even with aps, socially and careerwise too. I think there are more wierder people out there than people claim us to be.

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14 Jul 2006, 4:23 pm

I read through the link. My initial response:

"You're not Adult Indigo Children, you're Old Hippies!"

(I'm old enough to remember, and about 95% of the descriptions apply.)

What I don't understand is why some of the people here are enraged about the initial post - hey, it's just an idea and essentially irrelevant to anything important. Why is it so threatening?


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14 Jul 2006, 4:34 pm

jman wrote:
Rhisiart_Steffan wrote:
f*** off! It is rubbish!

Well if you're comfortable having a disapraging label and having people pity you and ridicule you, all the power to you man :roll:

It's only disparaging to ignorant pricks. If you are willing to change your name to avoid ignorant people, then maybe you deserve pity.


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14 Jul 2006, 4:57 pm

jman wrote:
Rhisiart_Steffan wrote:
f*** off! It is rubbish!

Well if you're comfortable having a disapraging label and having people pity you and ridicule you, all the power to you man :roll:

You are still giving "power to the man" - it is just that you have chosen a different "man" to get your approval from.


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14 Jul 2006, 5:00 pm

Tim_p wrote:
Now now, I never said I thought we were "defective" (nor did anyone else in the thread). I simply said that, along with the other posters, I don't believe I'm magic. I don't consider aspergers a defect or flaw, rather a difference, neurodiversity as it is often termed.

P.S. From Mirriam-Webster's online dictionary.
Label as a noun: "3c : a descriptive or identifying word or phrase ..."
Label as a verb: "1b : to describe or designate with or as if with a label"
How is indigo child any less of a label than aspergers. A label is not inherently derisory.

I agree - a label is a label.


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14 Jul 2006, 5:04 pm

Can I be another colour than Indigo I don't that colour? I'd like to be Crimson instead.

I, a Crimson Child! Wow, I like the sound of that.


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14 Jul 2006, 5:08 pm

No, no I have changed my mind, I'd rather be Orange.
Thank you!

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14 Jul 2006, 5:37 pm

Fact of the day: Only six of the seven colours of the spectrum are primary colours (either additive or subtractive). Indigo was only included in the list because Isaac Newton liked the number seven - he thought there should be as many colours as there are days of the week and notes in the major scale.

What is it with indigo and half-baked ideas?

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14 Jul 2006, 5:45 pm

Aereil....I cant speak for anyone elses outrage ....but I am very cynical about any person that I think might be trying to take advantage of individuals who maybe more emotionally vulnerable due to societys cruelty towards them...Anything "cultish" makes my skin crawl at best and inrages me in its worst incarnations.....(I include alot of world religions in this, because so many autrocities are committed in the name of "religion") :( I would think many aspies would be "logically minded" enough to see through such manipulations...but in desperate momments of depression and alianation...anybody can be vulnerable.

I guess if the most that this "seerer" is asking for is people to buy a book rather then donate 90% of your income....then the only harm might be deluding yourself to avoid a label that you feels hurts your selfesteem.....For me that is not true of AS, I dont see it as negative just and long sought explaination for why other people seem to think I'm so "weird"......I actually prefer it to the limitting labels I've had in the past.

I dont think there is anything wrong with the person posting the site....sometimes its fun to read about things like horiscopes and signs...doesnt mean I live my life by them,or believe they are valid.If Jman preferres being an indigo child he is welcome to his dellusions...whatever gets you through the night....I cant see this catching on to the point that it will invalidate the research that has been done and will be done pertaining to AS.

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14 Jul 2006, 6:02 pm

I'd love to be Crimson, for obvious reasons.


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14 Jul 2006, 6:30 pm

jman wrote:
I am not going to sit and argue with you trapped

you want to believe your defective because a bunch of doctors said so thats your choice. you;re entitled to your beleifs. The medical and psychology is always evolving so one of these I days i beleive aspergers syndrome won't even exist in the DSM-IV.

I think aspies and Indigo children are the next step in evolution, it represents change, and throughout history it has been proven that humans tend to resist and fear change so instead of praising and accpeting these children they label them with things like aspergers syndrome and ADHD to make themselves feel secure. Plus dcotors can profit off of "treating" these labels.

I'm proud of being an Aspie with a different way of thinking and perceiving. I don't feel that Indigo Children is a good descriptor of many Aspies. For example:

*Get frustrated by ritual-oriented systems that require little creativity
*Are easily distractible, can do many things at once
*Refuse to follow orders or directions
*They are not shy in letting it be known what they need.

I don't multi-task well. I prefer rituals and routines and schedules as anchors so I don't get lost and overwhelmed. I don't mind following orders or directions, as long as they're clear and specific. Many of us have trouble expressing our needs to others.

So, whether it's a bunch of newage hogwash or not, it doesn't seem to me to fit Aspies very well.

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14 Jul 2006, 6:32 pm

jman wrote:
I seem to have alot of traits described on the site

why don;t you guys buy into that?

Wouldn't you rather be seen to have psychic abilties that could change the world or would you guys rather have a disparaging label like aspergers syndrome stuck to you? :roll:

Hoax creations like 'indigo children' are just BS made up by new age con artists to fleece you of money, no different from those 'evil' money hungry doctors you are so worried about.

They are more insidious though, see the things they list, pretty vague and can apply to lots of people, inparticular they target the sort of people who are more vunerable to believing this sort of thing such as people with depression, AS, autism, ADD etc basically those who have been victimised or had a rough time.

Now the way most of these traditional medical money making exercises, as you suggest they are, work is by creating new illnesses that are vague or symptoms that are really just normal type stuff and they use the tactic of creating a problem then offering a solution in a pill or other medication that you can buy from them. In it's simplest form you can see this quite clearly in informercials, the classic normal knife that suddenly wont cut very well due to deliberate mishandling then the amazing wonder knife comes to save the day and look it cuts through everything, even shoes and cans. People see it think wow my knife is crap I want one of those. But really your old knife was fine and buying a wonder knife is pointless.

Advertisers need to create problems for you in order to offer a solution, in reality, most of the time you never really had the problem in the first place.

For the medical business, they normally they dont flat out invent stuff, usually they take something that exists and try to get more people taking it. Classic example is depression, depression is a real problem, but only really needs medication in a smallish number of people, drug company sees opportunity and starts creating paranoia about depression (pretty much everyone gets depressed sometimes, it's natural, normal and fine in moderation like most anything) so then people start thinking even minor bouts of depression need some prozac or whatever and that is basically how that works.

So we move on to advertising trick number two, perhaps the most commonly used and most easily hidden in plain sight, which is why it is so successful.

This involves preying on peoples insecurities. In this case of indigo children, they play on the desire of people not liking being labelled as having a disease (ironically this I guess might be something pedalled by the medical industry in hope of exploiting is a problem and they offering solution) and offer them the hope that they are in fact special and better than everyone else. These people are likely to be slightly depressed and unmotivated so never reached their potential, were never popular, and most likely always felt inferior due to being told they have problems and so on. So when some clown comes along and basically flatters the hell out of them telling them they are special and better than everyone else and generally flattering the hell out of them so they can get your money.

Basically they tell you want you want to hear. I mean who wouldn't want to hear that they are actually genius type people who will rule the world and change it for the better. Wanting to be better than everyone else is a strong desire of most humans so it's easy to sell people stuff that makes them feel like they are better than other people. Why else would people buy a massive house or something like a Bugatti Veyron or pay mega prices for fashion clothing that looks identical to any other apart from label. Nobody needs any of that crap, so they need to have a reason for it, the reason is to validate their own opinion that they are better than everyone else.

Think Indigo children are not in it for the money? read this

And lets take a closer look at the full list of supposed indigo traits shall we.

Carroll and Tober identify ten attributes that describe the Indigo Child:

1 They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it).
2 They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.
3 Self-worth is not a big issue; they often tell the parents "who they are."
4 They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
5 They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
6 They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.
7 They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).
8 They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
9 They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").
10 They are not shy in letting it be known what they need.

Now lets see, P1-4 does that really sound like an Aspie? They sound more like little Hitlers to me.
P5 who doesn't hate waiting in line?
P6 well this is the clincher for me, this is the complete opposite of someone with Aspergers syndrome, we usually prefer ritualised systems and get uncomfortable with change and we are not particularly noted for being 'creative' types.
P7 We dont conform because we have trouble knowing what we need to do to conform, some of us wish to comform and be normal rather than the opposite.
P8 This can really apply to many angst ridden teenagers, whether AS or NT, AS just do it without realising it most of the time
P9 & P10 More spoiled brat behaviour than AS

Wendy H. Chapman [citation needed], says that Indigo Children will display many of the following:

1 Have strong self esteem, connection to source
2 Know they belong here until they are told otherwise
3 Have an obvious sense of self
4 Have difficulty with discipline and authority
5 Refuse to follow orders or directions
6 Find it torture to waiting in lines, lack patience
7 Get frustrated by ritual-oriented systems that require little creativity
8 Often see better ways of doing thing at home and at school
9 Are mostly nonconformists
10 Do not respond to guilt trips, want good reasons
11 Get bored rather easily with assigned tasks
12 Are rather creative
13 Are easily distractible, can do many things at once
14 Display strong intuition
15 Have strong empathy for others or NO empathy
16 Develop abstract thinking very young
17 Are gifted and/or talented, highly intelligent
18 Are often identified or suspected of having ADD or ADHD, but can focus when they want to
19 Are talented daydreamers and visionaries
20 Have very old, deep, wise looking eyes
21 Have spiritual intelligence and/or psychic skills
22 Often express anger outwardly rather than inwardly and may have trouble with rage
23 Need our support to discover themselves
24 Are here to change the world - to help us live in greater harmony and peace with one another and to raise the "vibration" of the planet

1 Aspie with strong self esteem? unlikely
2 feeling of belonging on earth? err I dont think so
3 sense of self? ha!
4+5 many people hate being told what to do, dont need to be special for that
6 answered previously
7 answered previously
8 ""
9 Not necessarily by choice in our case
10 ""
11 Depends on whether the AS person is interested in it or not
12 Answered previously
13 contradicts itself, and Aspies are not good multitaskers
14 Aspies have almost zero intuition
15 contradiction, Aspies have some empathy but find difficult expressing it
16 all children think abstractly, they haven't been taught much so have to learn by curiosity
17 pointless
18 meaningly bollocks that doesn't fit in
19 more bollocks
20 just plain stupid
21 Load of crap
22 nothing unique to Aspies
23 AHA this is where they lay claim to how they can help you by taking your money
24 Ah the fresh smell of cow manure.

Out of interest these are very similar tactics that the church of scientology use to suck gullible and vunerable people in. The scum who invent crap like this to easily cash in on such vunerable people are even worse than profiteering drug companies in my opinion, at least drug companies can be held accountable and sued so they have at least some controls on them, new age psuedo science is just made up crap and these companies and people can just disappear overnight ready to prey on someone new.


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14 Jul 2006, 6:58 pm

GroovyDruid wrote:
That time of the month, is it? :wink:

A little bit ignorant are you? And even if it was, it's none of your business... so why don't you just go along your merry way and stop assuming women's opinions are directly linked to a time of the month...


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14 Jul 2006, 7:12 pm

:D I confess!I didnt even go to the web site before I age stuff just bores me and I was focused on reading forums and didnt want to be "destracted"(how aspie :lol: ) But reading the above post I realize how absurd this is....I could only agree with 4 out of 10 on first part.Most of it was the total opposite for me....sense of intitlement?High self-esteem?I have always questioned authority figures "right" or "correctness" in trying to make me into someone I'm not but thats often because their reasoning is often flawed and doesnt meen I dont do it anyway at times to avoid the stress of conflict....but most things I cant change even if I wanted to do so to make them happy....I have No Sense of time.....I have tried!

I dont like to stand in line because I dont like to stand close to people and get frustrated with the "slowness" or" laziness"or "ineffeciency" of many service people...not because I feel "intitled"
And my "old eyes" might be more accuritly a" glazed over look" that happens in social situations
when some NTs are boring me or stressing me out with their social chit chat...

Anyway...I dont see this applying to me ate all...and how exactly can someone be easily destracted but multitask the same time..I must be missunderstanding what they mean because that seems like a contridiction to me....

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14 Jul 2006, 7:27 pm go girl!.... :lol: I was also offended by the ignorence of this remark....Dont we have the validity of our thoughts and feelings negated enough by NTs without doing it to each other ,with this kind of sexist stereo-type....I do have stronger emotions and opinions at "that time of the month"but my theory is that the extra hormones help me see outrages more clearly and help me not supress my feelings as I might normally do as a trained people pleaser.I dont think it makes my thoughts/feelings inaccurite, just my ability to supress them.This may not be true for all wome as we all have unque ballance of hormones...some women dont even get PMS....but for me, it often wakes me up to problems that I have been supressing to "get along". and avoid conflict .Its not that I like PMS but I do think it serves a purpose for me.

Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang

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14 Jul 2006, 7:28 pm

jman wrote:
I think aspies and Indigo children are the next step in evolution
Do you mean "evolution" in some sort of metaphorical sense? For a traight to become prevalent, the beholders have to reproduce a lot... I think we all know the problem with that :roll: