Food Sensativities, Psychometabolism and A.S.D

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16 Jul 2006, 4:46 pm

You mean getting tired, spacey, depressed, irritable, etc after eating certain foods? Constipation? Leaky Gut Syndrome? Suppressed immune functions? Rashes? Migraines? Lipomas?

Oh yeah. I've been working on it for ten years. Before my AS diagnosis I was diagnosed with candidiasis. I tried the Candida Control diet. I tried Ayurveda. I tried Applied Kinesiology to identify food sensitivities. I tried the "Eat Right For Your Type" diet (by blood type).

Everything helped a little but none was a miracle cure in itself. Now I just try to eat more veggies, less gluten, no dairy, no refined sugar and avoid the strongest sensitivity-triggering foods altogether.

You might want to try an herbal remedy for candidiasis. If you don't have a candida problem, it won't do you any harm. Same with the gluten avoidance diet. Try it for two weeks and your body will tell you whether it likes it.
"the largest disability... [for those with AS] is the inability of non-autistic culture to accommodate their differences in respectful, empowering, and constructive ways" -- Donna Williams


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16 Jul 2006, 5:17 pm

I've been reading that aspartame is very bad for people and should not have been passed by the FDA. George Bush is allegedly a heavy drinker of soda pop with aspartame in it, that's enough to convince me. I have read it can injure the brain.
There are naturally occurring molds in some foods that some people can handle and others are allergic to. A lot of these foods are fermented (yeasts, cheese, etc.)
I can tell you first hand that milk allergy and lactose intolerance can make you miserable before finding out what it is.

Snowy Owl
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18 Jul 2006, 9:00 am

Interesting you should ask that.

My father was forced due to a congenital blood pressure/high cholesterol condition to change his diet radically about eight years or so ago. It affected all of us, in the sense that we started paying close attention to fat content, nutrition, and all of those things. I don't pretend I eat a perfect diet, but my behaviour and interaction did improve. As a small child various E numbers were known to set me off, but I do think the change in diet back then helped me. I have major allergic issues like rhinitis (permanent hay fever) and eczema too - and these have also improved since my dad's diet changed although they have not gone away.

I have tried cutting gluten and I have tried cutting milk based products. It's actually physically impossible to do, though, where I live. Unfortunately rural england hasn't heard of GFCF dietary requirements, so unless I'm going to spend my life gnawing on dried nuts and nothing else, I have to concede defeat. (Get *very* angry at all the "vegetarian friendly" foods, though, considering that that is a CHOICE of diet and has nothing to do with medical diagnosis. Nothing against veggies at all - I just think it's pants that companies go to so much trouble to cater for veggies but couldn't give a damn about people who need certain dietary requirements.).
I also find caffeine and a lot of sugar are bad for me. Caffeine makes me seriously hyperactive - I do everything at speed anyhow (speak, type, work, etc) so it makes me a touch manic. And sugar just makes me nauseous - in much smaller doses than the average person.

In terms of my AS, I'm less fussed about making too many more 'changes' to how well adjusted I am. If I change myself any further, I'll lose me completely and I'm of the opinion it;s time people took me as I am or not at all. But in terms of my health - constant digestive trouble and tiredness and nausea and all of those things - I could really live without. I have a compulsive fear of vomiting as it is anyway - so that probably restricts me more than anything else Aspie.

And I've not yet discovered the magic diet that resolves that problem :S

My diet sucks :P LOL :)



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18 Jul 2006, 9:50 am

I avoid artificial sweeteners and pretty much all dairy - ecxept that I can tolerate a little bit of butter and some cheese like provolone. I'm not sure if that is an intolerance or allergy - someone on another list explained that it is not exactly the dairy but something in it that is why the butter is ok in small amounts. The weirdest thing though is that a certain brand of chocolate chip cookies would seem to make me feel depressed or angry. I couldn't figure out what was in them that would do that because they were the larger fancier kind that seemed to have more natural ingrdients.


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19 Jul 2006, 9:38 am

Even my G/F seys after I eat cheese I am different. My mother seys so as well.


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23 Jul 2006, 4:19 pm

Any sorts of additives set me off.

So I eat a few but only in "proper" foods Heinz Soup etc. Sweets and fizzy drinks and crisps are really bad.... So I have nearly stopped and will only have 1 can a week or so of fizzy drink/sweets. Chocolate is ok though.


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23 Jul 2006, 5:11 pm

It's not that I consciously try to stay on a gluten-free diet, but my preferred diet is pretty low on gluten anyway. I grew up on potato bread and have no taste for any other kind of bread but the occasional sourdough binge, I eat a lot of rice, and lately I've lost my taste for the sort of pre-packaged foods that are really high on additives. Generally now, a typical eating day for me consists of several rice cakes, some fish or meat, some kind of vegetable (usually steamed broccoli or cooked spinach, but sometimes carrots or corn), some form of potatoes, and maybe a cookie or something.

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23 Jul 2006, 5:39 pm

Maybe not I don't know.


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23 Jul 2006, 8:29 pm

Very interesting responses here in this post.