Does AS make a person more likely to be a safe/good driver, or less likely? Does it vary widely from person to person? On the one hand, I can see the common AS tendency to value rules and consistency as making for an exceptionally law-abiding, careful driver. On the other hand, I can also see the possibility of the (supposed) common issues with respect for authority among aspies.
Personally, I'm a very courteous and safe driver (not to sound arrogant!) I've never had an accident and have never even been pulled over in more than 12 years of driving. I frankly attribute this largely to some of my AS traits. I can't say I don't frequently drive too fast, however. I'm just extremely good at not getting caught.
I'm very interested to know your thoughts and personal experience.
Where do you live in PA? Try driving your way in Harrisburg/Hershey/York, let alone Baltimore/Washington and you'll see shotguns aiming at your head!