katzefrau wrote:
swbluto wrote:
the implication about the 'social genius' part was that, if I were a social genius, I would be able to persuade people to believe whatever I may have believed myself about my myself, so if I believed I possessed aspergers, I could just be exceedingly talented in subconsciously bringing up particular diagnostic criteria and relevant evidence to support my suspicion, and thus everybody could be unwittingly hoodwinked into believing I possessed aspergers when, in reality, I might not.
is this dry humor? i still don't understand.
how could anyone be that manipulative (worst case scenario) or socially adept, thoroughly subsumed by the power of suggestion, unaware of what behaviors or traits exist and what ones are a product of deeply repressed subconscious motives, and yet systematic, blunt, motivated by the need for absolute answers and introspective all at once?
It was just a possibility that couldn't be so easily discarded, but it seems you've thoroughly evaluated the plausibility and I suppose it would be a bit unlikely, and would not easily escape the evaluation of someone sophisticated enough in their interpersonal judgment. I presume many posters here don't actually possess aspergers and would actually be well suited to interpersonal judgment, since there are multiple other reasons why one would feel you're on the 'wrong planet' unrelated to autism, such as the type who would laboriously formulate the next dangerous set of chemicals to use on unsuspecting victims in a scheming scientist's efforts to take over the world!
motivated by the need for absolute answers
Personally, I see the autism spectrum and the neurotypical spectrum as lying on one big combined autism/neurotypical spectrum. In that regard, I'll admit I'm probably somewhere *up there*, but so far, there exist no diagnostic criteria for deriving a percentage (or sets of percentages). So, it's not that I believe the 'true answer' is an absolute one, but those are the most practical to obtain with the current diagnostic climate. (Maybe another half-century in the future, we'll have brain scanners that will tell you what exactly your social abnormalities are, and then maybe there'll be a combined autism score based on that analysis.)
assuming you are sincere (just, IMO, confusing):
i will answer your original question with a question. what precedence is there for disproving the existence of something? you can rule it extraordinarily unlikely if virtually none of the typical criteria are met, but diagnosing (or even self-diagnosing) is not an exact science. there are people on the autistic spectrum who post on this board (or whose parents post on this board) who (among other things):
can maintain unflinching eye contact
are married
don't or are unable to talk much at all, let alone monologue
can surely balance a checkbook (?)
and so on
if i am not mistaken, even the presence of schizophrenia would not necessarily mean you are not autistic.
Well, remember, diagnosis usually deals with 'clusters of symptoms', not just one here and there. So, in the same way there are 'clusters of symptoms' that one must meet to be officially diagnosed autistic, I'm looking for 'clusters of symptoms' one must meet to be officially diagnosed neurotypical. I'm thinking it might be easier for me to prove I'm neurotypical than it would be to prove I have aspergers, which is the rationale for 'proving the negative'. ("not autistic" = neurotypical, so we could just think of proving neurotypicism as 'proving the positive', which isn't as hard as proving the negative, is it?)
Last edited by swbluto on 06 Mar 2011, 10:28 am, edited 2 times in total.