Generally prefer cold over hot. To numb physical pain, I use ice.
Using a heating pad or the like is foreign & strange to me-apparently others consider it normal, though.
If I feel overheated there's limit to relief I can get. Can only take off so many layers of clothing, and try not to move. If I'm overchilled, I can get warm by moving my body (shivering, etc.) & also by piling layer upon layer of clothing or bedding. So it's easier to warm up than cool down.
Need to do errands & housework-if it's too hot, things don't get done. Sometimes it's too cold to do stuff-but there's added motivation to be active in order to be less cold.
Both extremes (winter's cold dry air & summer's humid heat) are uncomfortable for me. I like moderate (55-85 degrees F) temperatures best-I'd not have to wear more than a sweater nor need wear less than a tank top. That's my ideal-don't think I'm uncommon in that regard.
Climate I live in has long cold winters, but I can tolerate that. The short summer still gets hot enough long enough to remind me I couldn't stand living somewhere that was any warmer.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*