Take the MMPI-2 online for free.
Another silly test with another set of silly questions. 4 that particularly stand out:
121. I have never indulged in unusual sex practices.
What is an 'unusual sexual practice"? What is considered normal by one person can be seen as unusual by another.
191. I would like to be a journalist.
Absurd nonsense.
222. Children should be taught all the main facts of sex.
What is considered a child? Age 2? 7? 12? 15? What?
298. Peculiar odors come to me at times.
To think some people get paid good money for writing these tests and others take the results seriously.
A lot of those questions seem irrelevant no matter what your answer is.
The one that sticks out in my mind most is the one "I have never vomited blood or coughed up blood." I have. What does that have to do with anything?
"The sight of blood does not frighten me or make me sick."
It doesn't bother me. Why would it? Is that "crazy" or would it bothering me be "crazy".
"I am not afraid of mice."
I'm not. I have pet mice and rats and love rodents very much. I also know people who are afraid of them. How does it matter either way?
I found this looking for something else. I'm still confused about my test results but it might be helpful.
Just FYI and all.
The schiozphrenia scale on the MMPI basically measures whether you have an unusual or eccentric personality. People with actual schizophrenia score high on it; but so do people who are eccentric, who aren't from the Western culture the test presumes, who have had unusual life experiences, who are introverted or separated from society, or who have an unusual mind in some other way--which, yes, includes having autism.
The schizophrenia scale can be quite misleading; just remember it is a measure of how many unusual traits and experiences you have, and you'll have a good enough estimate to go by.
Reports from a Resident Alien:
Autism Memorial:
Infrequency 76
Social Introversion 80
Social Alienation 78
Poignancy 89
Emotional Alienation 78
Lack of Ego Mastery, Conative 82
Low Self-esteem 80
Social Discomfort 76
Marital Distress 83
Low Positive Emotions 83
Introversion / Low Positive Emotionality 76
Dysphoria 82
Self-Depreciation 83
Self-Doubt 85
Lack of Ego Mastery, Defective Inhibition 75
Bizarre Sensory Experiences 75
Another non-English speaking - DX'd at age 38
"Aut viam inveniam aut faciam." (Hannibal) - Latin for "I'll either find a way or make one."
over 75
Infrequency Psychopathology
below 75 but over 70
Psychopathic Deviate
Hypomania, Subtle
Aberrant Experiences
Antisocial Behavior
Interesting, I guess.
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett
I have taken this test by actual doctors and boy is it long! I can't concentrate long enough to do it now.
Last edited by FireBird on 10 Jan 2012, 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Just FYI and all.
The schiozphrenia scale on the MMPI basically measures whether you have an unusual or eccentric personality. People with actual schizophrenia score high on it; but so do people who are eccentric, who aren't from the Western culture the test presumes, who have had unusual life experiences, who are introverted or separated from society, or who have an unusual mind in some other way--which, yes, includes having autism.
The schizophrenia scale can be quite misleading; just remember it is a measure of how many unusual traits and experiences you have, and you'll have a good enough estimate to go by.
Thanks for this. You know a lot more about it than I do, and this is insightful into my scores.
How do you answer the questions that don't really apply? I'm in the middle of it now and came across this one: 268. I wish I were not bothered by thoughts about sex.
I'm not bothered by such thoughts so I can't really say True, I wish I weren't bothered by them and to me False would say that you are ok with being bothered by such thoughts. They need an N/A option.
Yeah, I see that now that I'm done. I scored below a 75 in every category. My highest was a 70 in Superlative Self-Presentation and in only 6 did I get a 60 or higher. On the schizophrenia scale my T score was only 53. In 18 of the categories my score was in the 30s with Obsessiveness and Family Problems tying for the lowest at 33. Like someone else on here, I'm curious as to why 5 of the categories have a K score in addition to the T score that they all have.
found this.... I think it explains some of the results, and the theory behind the test, and applicable cautions http://falseallegations.com/mmpi-bw.htm
actually, what is an aspie supposed to make of a statement like this, which is listed under "deviate thinking and experiences"?:
At times I hear so well that it bothers me.
to which I truthfully replied: True
and to which I would add-- I have the plate with the holes in the glaze to prove it!***
but telling the truth on a question will not convince anyone that you are not deviate, if you are not NT.
**** ok, here's the story about the plate-- I had a decorative plate hanging on the wall *about 4 feet from my head* --held up there with one of those little metal hangers that have tiny springs putting tension on the claws around the edge of the plate. Every time one of those thundering bass car stereos would pass the house, the little springs on the back of that plate hanger would hum... and drive me EFFING CRAZY!. The neighbors all know I'm the crazy lady who hates noise-- my meltdowns over that are, unfortunately, public knowledge. One day, taking the plate down to clean it, I saw that the metal clamp --which was designed to hang plates without damage had actually worn holes right through the glaze and into the ceramic. That could ONLY happen if the piece of metal was MOVING ! so, you see, I am NOT crazy, I could actually hear that spring humming on the back of the plate, on the wall above my head. Proof. HA!
{the avatar is a Claude Monet}
Huh. Looks like this is still an open thread. Anyhow, my mum's been telling me to check this site out for years and I'm only looking at it now because I was looking into the MMPI test. I hardly scored below 50 on anything (I may be mistaken, but I think that 50 is supposed to be the mean) and I got above 75 on a whole pile of things. I got above 75 or 80 on almost all of the ten basic things on the test. Does that mean I'm an absolute mental mess, or that the test is silly? Some of the red flags down at the bottom struck me as kind of silly. For example, I got a few for alcoholism and I've only ever had alcohol three or four times in my life.
Jude Paxmrosy
True 166 44.9
False 203 54.9
? 1 0.270
VRIN Variable Response Inconsistency 4 46
TRIN True Reponse Inconsistency 11 65T
F Infrequency 11 75 100
Fb Backside F 4 58 30.0
Fp Infrequency Psychopathology 4 73 81.5
L Lie 9 76 93.3
K Correction 9 37 100
S Superlative Self-Presentation 9 30 58.0
Hs Hypochondriasis 19 24 73 100
D Depression 32 75 100
Hy Hysteria 30 68 100
Pd Psychopathic Deviate 22 26 58 100
Mf Masculinity-Femininity - Male 33 undefined 100
Mf Masculinity-Femininity - Female 35 52 100
Pa Paranoia 21 89 100
Pt Psychathenia 25 34 62 100
Sc Schizophrenia 35 44 78 100
Ma Hypomania 20 22 56 100
Si Social Introversion 44 68 100
D1 Subjective Depression 19 77 100
D2 Psychomotor Retardation 7 57 100
D3 Physical Malfunctioning 7 78 100
D4 Mental Dullness 6 66 100
D5 Brooding 7 73 100
Hy1 Denial of Social Anxiety 3 45 100
Hy2 Need for Affection 5 42 100
Hy3 Lassitude-malaise 8 71 100
Hy4 Somatic Complaints 10 77 100
Hy5 Inhibition of Aggression 3 46 100
Pd1 Familial Discord 3 56 100
Pd2 Authority Problems 5 69 100
Pd3 Social Imperturbability 2 41 100
Pd4 Social Alienation 8 70 100
Pd5 Self-alienation 3 48 100
Pa1 Persecutory Ideas 7 81 100
Pa2 Poignancy 7 78 100
Pa3 Naivete 4 45 100
Sc1 Social Alienation 14 92 100
Sc2 Emotional Alienation 3 67 100
Sc3 Lack of Ego Mastery, Cognitive 4 67 100
Sc4 Lack of Ego Mastery, Conative 7 75 100
Sc5 Lack of Ego Mastery, Defective Inhibition 6 78 100
Sc6 Bizarre Sensory Experiences 7 72 100
Ma1 Amorality 1 45 100
Ma2 Psychomotor Acceleration 6 55 100
Ma3 Imperturbability 1 37 100
Ma4 Ego Inflation 6 68 100
Si1 Shyness/Self-Consciousness 6 52 100
Si2 Social Avoidance 8 74 100
Si3 Self/Other Alienation 11 66 100
ANX Anxiety 7 51 65.2
FRS Fears 3 41 34.8
OBS Obsessivness 4 46 50.0
DEP Depression 9 57 60.6
HEA Health Concerns 20 77 97.2
BIZ Bizarre Mentation 3 56 73.9
ANG Anger 3 42 31.3
CYN Cynicism 8 48 73.9
ASP Antisocial Practices 4 45 81.8
TPA Type A 5 43 31.6
LSE Low Self-esteem 5 51 37.5
SOD Social Discomfort 15 65 87.5
FAM Family Problems 6 50 52.0
WRK Work Interference 13 57 51.5
TRT Negative Treatment Indicators 3 46 23.1
A Anxiety 14 53 61.5
R Repression 14 44 81.1
Es Ego Strength 20 undefined 76.9
MAC-R MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale-Revised 11 30 73.5
AAS Addiction Acknowledgement 1 44 38.5
APS Addiction Potential 14 undefined 74.4
MDS Marital Distress 5 59 64.3
Ho Hostility 17 50 68.0
O-H Overcontrolled Hostility 12 44 71.4
Do Dominance 13 39 76.0
Re Social Responsibility 12 undefined 63.3
Mt College Maladjustment 22 64 82.9
GM Masculine Gender Role 13 undefined 59.6
GF Feminine Gender Role 19 undefined 65.2
PK Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 23 72 100
PS Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 24 63 75.0
D-O Depression, Obvious 21 75 100
D-S Depression, Subtle 11 48 100
Hy-O Hysteria, Obvious 18 79 100
Hy-S Hysteria, Subtle 12 39 100
Pd-O Psychopathic Deviate, Obvious 10 62 100
Pd-S Psychopathic Deviate, Subtle 12 55 100
Pa-O Paranoia, Obvious 12 90 100
Pa-S Paranoia, Subtle 9 57 100
Ma-O Hypomania, Obvoius 12 69 100
Ma-S Hypomania, Subtle 8 44 100
dem Demoralization 10 58 58.3
som Somatic Complaints 16 78 96.3
lpe Low Positive Emotions 9 70 82.4
cyn Cynicism 5 48 66.7
asb Antisocial Behavior 6 58 54.5
per Ideas of Persecution 4 70 88.2
dne Dysfunctional Negative Emotions 3 42 54.2
abx Aberrant Experiences 5 63 77.8
hpm Hypomanic Activation 12 51 78.6
AGGR Aggressiveness 6 46 61.1
PSYC Psychoticism 4 53 68.0
DISC Disconstraint 8 44 72.4
NEGE Negative Emotionality / Neuroticism 7 44 42.4
INTR Introversion / Low Positive Emotionality 20 73 85.3
FRS1 Generalized Fearfulness 1 48 41.7
FRS2 Multiple Fears 2 37 30.0
DEP1 Lack of Drive 1 45 50.0
DEP2 Dysphoria 5 73 83.3
DEP3 Self-Depreciation 1 47 71.4
DEP4 Suicidal Ideation 0 45 20.0
HEA1 Gastrointestinal Symptoms 3 75 100
HEA2 Neurological Symtoms 6 72 100
HEA3 General Health Concerns 4 71 100
BIZ1 Psychotic Symptomatology 0 44 81.8
BIZ2 Schizotypal Characteristics 3 60 77.8
ANG1 Explosive Behavior 1 47 28.6
ANG2 Irritability 2 44 28.6
CYN1 Misanthropic Beliefs 5 48 73.3
CYN2 Interpersonal Suspiciousness 3 49 75.0
ASP1 Antisocial Attitudes 2 39 81.3
ASP2 Antisocial Behavior 2 61 80.0
TPA1 Impatience 1 40 16.7
TPA2 Competitive Drive 3 52 44.4
LSE1 Self-Doubt 5 62 54.5
LSE2 Submissiveness 0 39 33.3
SOD1 Introversion 12 73 87.5
SOD2 Shyness 3 50 100
FAM1 Family Discord 5 57 58.3
FAM2 Familial Alienation 0 41 40.0
TRT1 Low Motivation 2 51 27.3
TRT2 Inability to Disclose 0 38 20.0
No clue what most of that means.
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