Can you be shy with aspergers or am I just shy?
I can relate to pretty much everything you say. I'd say there is a good possibility you have AS. But, I had special interests like electronics, so I'd play with equipment, computers, build electronics projects, etc. This was my life and still is. But, like you, what you described is very much what I deal with as well. I'd engage in my interests all day if I could. Sometimes if I was soldering, I'd do it for hours and hours.
I was contemplating 'shyness' earlier today and I wondered if there were shy people or are there just people with aspergers who dont know it so are described as shy. But after reading some of the comments I have realise that the definition of shyness is probably lack of self confidence to speak to others or to approach a group of people etc. I have diagnosed myself with autism/aspergers and at school every year the teachers report said I was shy clever and determined. I can see now that these were probably symptoms (but not in a bad way) of autism. For example I appeared very determined to do my work and didnt get drawn into conversations with others but it was only because the conversations were of no interest to me. I was clever because I could do subjects that were classed as difficult like foreign languages, maths and science, I liked these because it made sense to me and there was always a right answer and it didnt matter if I used my own method of getting that answer it was still right.
So back to the topic of shyness. I believe that I am not lacking in confidence because at work I sit in meetings of 10 or so people and am classed as an expert in my field of work and do correct and advise the people in the meeting on where they are going wrong, or advise on better solutions etc and dont have a problem with confidence there.
However since I was at school I have never wanted to make small talk/gossip. At break times I would stand alone in a corner of the crowded hall and eat a biscuit or something and speaking to noone. From the outside I believe this autistic trait and shyness look the same -the person is not speaking with others. However I see know now it was not a lack of confidence that was stopping me it was that nothing would come into my head to say to them. I could discuss one of my favorite subjects at length such as the mementos that I had in my collection from different holiday destinations or types of whale and porpoises I had learnt off by heart but I knew they would not want to discuss that. And I could not come up with anything to contribute to their conversation about sophie's new hair style.
Consequently I believe that only you know if you are lacking in the confidence to say what you are thinking ie you have the words there but darent say them (shy) or are desperately wanting to speak to people but cant think of any words to say (autistic).
I was shy for until my late teens / early twneties. I am no longer shy because I worked very hard at building my confidence and forcing myself into social situations. Despite losing my shyness, I still have my aspergers which of course cannot be "trained" out of you.
I often wonder if I would have been shy anyhow, or if it was due to my neurological condition that I became shy.