wavefreak58 wrote:
Arminius wrote:
Wavefreak58, be nice. People need hope. When they grasp at false, trite, or silly things in search of something in which to believe, they should get compassion, not scorn. I am not a Wayseer, but I understand why one would want to be.
I was not being scornful. I was speaking truth (as I see it at least) If one wants to be a visionary, one must look beyond the trite and cliched. The search does not end with placing false hope found in a slick video. It begins when the slick video is seen for exactly what it is.
I am definitely what the man in that video would call a "Wayseer", and he speaks much truth throughout that video ... but nobody needs to bother spending any money there, and the man in that video has no idea about how to actually bring anything about beyond his making money off the vulnerable.
I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.