MasterJedi wrote:
While moving, I was able to lift things others couldn't and I got thing cool reaction of, "whoa!" It was a rather big TV that one guy couldn't lift himself and needed help with so I just picked it up and carried it. There was also a changing table and a recliner.
Yes and no.
I'm not like that usually.
But as a teenager, I had a period where I could get so intensely worked up that my dad said I ought to be a football player (American football that is). He was much, much bigger than me (and had actual experience playing football) but I could head-butt my way past him and outrun him in a sheer panic despite the fact that I was rather a small teen girl (like 110 pounds or so, around 5'1"... my dad was OTOH described by someone else as a "big, burly man" and quite tall). One time after he managed to get me to the ground one of those times, I was screaming and a neighbor called 911. When the paramedics came, they took bets on whether or not I was on PCP because I was so strong in my terror and adrenaline. I'm not proud of the sorts of things I did back then, but I did them. I also had the ability to ignore pain signals from my body and therefore lift things much heavier than people expected of me. I
was rather proud of that ability, but it wore out my body in terrible ways that still cause me physical pain.
These days I'm a weakling who can barely do a lot of ordinary things before my muscles give out. Bipap/ASV therapy for severe central/obstructive sleep apnea has given me more stamina than I had a few months ago (oxygen is really, really important for the body in ways most people don't even think about), but I still have very little and still have a muscular disorder that causes me serious problems. My body is falling apart in other ways and I never try to lift anything anywhere near as heavy again because the combination of muscle weakness, potential dislocations that are more likely because my already-loose joints
combine with the weak muscles in unpleasant ways, respiratory issues, and nerve issues, just don't let me do that kind of thing anymore. My body is pretty shot and I am lucky to do the things I
can do... and I haven't even quite hit middle age yet.
"In my world it's a place of patterns and feel. In my world it's a haven for what is real. It's my world, nobody can steal it, but people like me, we live in the shadows." -Donna Williams