keira wrote:
I think my obsession is me
On a more serious note I am really into figuring myself out, trying to understand why and how I am different from others, how I could help myself to become a better person and find some inner comfort. AS has a lot to do with it so yes, at this point AS is my biggest obsession.
The solution stems from a problem. By knowing the problem better, we can devise a solution better. I think this is why people feel the need/want to look back at a list of aspergers symtoms. 1. we like lists anyways. 2. we can tie the symptoms to past expierences, validating the diagnosis. 3. we can focus on our weaknesses and evuentally overcome them.
I find that I have many "obcessions", rituals, routines, etc. But I try to control them, not let them consume me. I have been consumed by destructive obcessions before. Luckily I had enough willpower to stop them before they caused any major, lasting or long term damage (world of warcraft playing was one, played 8-12 hours a day sometimes =/ I quit WoW 6 months ago, 6 months before I was diagnosed with aspergers, so that proves your not cursed by your wants and obcessions, be it as it may they are stronger obcessions than many NT's