babybuggy32 wrote:
does anyone know why some people with autism are like children in adult bodies? i dont quite understand it. i enjoy goofing off and having fun but most of it would be considered age appropriate. yet some people with aspergers (or possibly high functioning autism) function on the level of a toddler playing with baby blocks and stuff (also wearing diapers and being spoon fed) is this a symptom common of aspergers? none of my aspie friends are quite like that. i would assume this is much mor common in low functioning individuals?
There are severe cases of Autism that are actually documented by the parents on youtube. One was of a young adult named Jamie, he must be early 20s now.
Yet those are very severe cases in which any tiny progress is excellent progress.
Aspergers or HFA is high functioning to begin with, so it's less likely that you'll see anyone on here typing in diapers (unless they like it like that).
The cases on youtube are sad, and the one with the young man, Jamie, is very lucky that his mother is so devoted to him, and that he has so much supports in place.
It is sad to think about all the low functioning Auties and where will they go when they reach adult age?
IMO, i think to some degree a lot of us have a lightheartedness about us that others may perceive as childlike. I still ride my bmx all over the place. I collect skateboards. I'm 30