Do You Dislike Jocks Or Feel Intimidated By Them?
I've always been pretty neutral when it came to jocks. Some are nice people, and some are not. Just like any group.
I did, however, intensely dislike Raw-raws. It's not because I thought they were bad people, I just couldn't handle the super bubbly personalities. I once considered being a cheerleader because it looked like fun, but the raw-raws in the bunch decided for me.
(raw-raw being a super bubbly and slu*ty cheerleader)
Still looking for that blue jean baby queen, prettiest girl I've ever seen.
When I was younger I played a lot of football and many other sports.
I believe my aspergers was slightly mitigated by the physical activity. When I was very fit and healthy, I always felt my best
My friends from that time are all gone. My function has decreased due to bullying and insecurity I withdrew from those crowds and avoided people and sports about 10 years ago.
Jocks can be bullies but no more than non jocks.
In fact, bullies are more associated with astrological birth charts than how many nights a week they play a sport.
I played touch football 6 nights a week, surfed and rode a mountain bike all the while practising buddhism, after living in a monastery in Thailand.
I think this thread is unfair and untrue. The more I think of gym bunnies or triathlons or body builders whatever, the less I think of them as the bullying kind. Many are high achievers and as such reasonably developed persons
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So then what are you? What about the ones who tried to include you, are they bad people too?
Yeah, that thought occurred to me too as I was writing this. I still believe in all that I said though. By the way, the ones who tried to include me were a very few guys way back in middle school... like 45 years ago.
You need to understand a little bit about the context of this post. I have tried to do exactly that for all of my life, but it has never worked for various reasons. Now I am in a situation in which the intimidation of two jocks who live on either side of me is adversely affecting my health and sending me into a snowballing downwards spiral. The worst of these jocks who lives below me has not even shown his face for the entire 7 months he has lived there until I just happened to see him coming and going last Friday. I usually see most new neighbors within less than a week if that long, but not this guy. How many people do you know who can live next to you for that long and totally avoid being seen. However he sits downstairs making all kinds of lewd, speculative comments through the walls about my private life that is none of his business to begin with (and there is a lot more to be said about that... for the past month I have been considering a separate post on the subject of creepy neighbors). He has made me a prisoner in my own apartment when he is the Johnny-Come-Lately outsider (I've lived here for 15 years). The stress is affecting my body functions and giving me a LOT of sleep problems lately. Last night I slept only 4.5 hours, 8 hours the night before, 4.5 hours the night before that and some nights only 1-3 hours. Many Aspies have sleep problems but mine have developed almost completely since the arrival of these two jocks (the other is a jock of years gone by and relatively harmless). I need to lash out at jocks of the world somehow, but know better than to vent my anger towards him back through the walls or else risk his reprisal. At least here I knew I might get a mostly sympathetic ear.
Actually, I've never had any particular issue with people who like competitive sports. I don't really have a lot in common with them and don't understand them very well; if I want physical activity I like to do things on my own rather than in a team, and I really don't have a team-oriented mindset. But I don't see why that should mean any more than "I probably don't share interests with these people" and therefore "we'd probably bore each other."
Reports from a Resident Alien:
Autism Memorial:
No thats idiot coneversation. I would think that anyone with atleast a small amount of intelligence would be harmed.
It seems that the OP does know them really well.
Yeah conform! I would rather be picked than EVER say any of that stupid stuff. Dick comment? seriously?
It seems alot poeople here think a jock is just someone who likes sports. For me its a stupid as*hole who like to parteh! alot and pick on anyone who is different.
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Unfortunately all too well.
Thank you!! !! You managed to say what I wanted to say in far fewer words, but brevity is not my strong point. Jock is an attitude and has little to do with sports, although the two often do go hand in hand. A few adjectives that describe some of the more common traits of a jock (although as with AS, each jock is unique and may not necessarily have all of these traits) are: aggressive, overbearing, intrusive / in your face, inconsiderate, intolerant and probably quite a few more that I cannot think of at the moment. They are your typical bully, and I'm sure that many of us know about bullies from experience.
To separate jocks from athletes, I can think of one athlete who is probably not what I would call a jock, but that is only my opinion. Atlanta Braves pitcher John Schmolz (Is he even still with the Braves? I stopped following my hometown team several years ago) is known to be highly intelligent and an excellent athlete in a wide number of sports, although baseball is his cup of tea. He is also known to genuinely help those who are less fortunate than he is with public service efforts rather than to be primarily concerned with his own self image as is the case with most jocks. An interview with John sounds more like an intelligent conversation rather than the gung-ho examples of aggressive self-promotion that you get with most jocks.
Maybe this also answers the question by nostromo who asked "What exactly is a Jock".
And then there are also the redneck jocks, but I will save that one for another day. I've had to deal with a lot of these in my workplace in the past.
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So, if this is what you meant by jock I have been bothered by them
Hmmm, I guess its all a matter of semantics. I always thought that the term stoners referred to people who got stoned (as with marijuana and other drugs). Many, many moons ago that same description would have applied to me, but my group was about as diametrically opposite from what I call a jock as anyone could be (note my description of our Delta Beta FFDA). Again I guess its all a matter of semantics. Language is a funny thing and as Aspies many of us interpret words literally by one meaning only when other meanings may happen to apply.
The opening post is dependent upon groupthink and demonization of the enemy to work at all, it is excessively intolerant of a certain (vaguely defined) lifestyle while accusing them of intolerance, it makes the bizarre connection between jocks and corporate/political powers (Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin/Larry Page...Yeah, none of these really scream "frat boy" to me, and they're currently the most powerful men in the western world), and the ultimate conclusion of it is that autistics, by virtue of being autistic, should blindly accept the writer's morality, or else become some neurological equivalent of a race traitor.
I am not impressed.
Yes. It's uncomfortable underwear. I suppose I need the boy parts.
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To me an athlete is someone who does sports for the physical or mental enjoyment derived from them and may or may not be a good person. A jock is someone who practices sports to some varying extent, less for any enjoyment and more for the social status of belonging as a jock and buys into this stereotype that he's outright entitled to do whatever he wants to anyone who's weaker than him or different (and his buddies, because fair fight to a jock means 'you vs me while my friends hold you down so I have a clear shot and you can't get in any lucky shots') should he feel like it. And the reason he's entitled to this is because as a jock he's superior to everyone, knows everything worth knowing (nerd crap ain't worth knowing, only a fag loser would do anything other than go pro), and is owed respect, fame, wealth and power because he's so awesome. A true connoisseur of the principle of might makes right.
So to me, there's many really nice awesome athletes, amateur and professional. But a jock by definition will not treat as equal anyone who isn't a fellow jock - and even so every jock tends to think he 'can take' the other jocks because he's clearly top dog and will bark challenges just as one. So for the definition of jock I've observed, yes I dislike jocks. But I don't dislike people who just do sports but don't buy into the unfortunately often socially accepted role of a bully in a letter jacket.
So to me, there's many really nice awesome athletes, amateur and professional. But a jock by definition will not treat as equal anyone who isn't a fellow jock - and even so every jock tends to think he 'can take' the other jocks because he's clearly top dog and will bark challenges just as one. So for the definition of jock I've observed, yes I dislike jocks. But I don't dislike people who just do sports but don't buy into the unfortunately often socially accepted role of a bully in a letter jacket.
Well said, thanks for clearing that up.
In NZ we have them too. Another feature of said jocks is a willingness to accept authority and all its hierarchies to the lemming point of blindly following the pied piper to the edge of the cliff. Extremely NT in nature, the ra ra ra pack dog mentality of baying hounds of conformity nipping at your heels as you run for cover from the viral homogeneity of assimilation of consciousness.
Cmon, be a good sport
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