OMG story of my life! I have been called weird so many times, I can't even attempt to estimate the amount. 3rd grade was definately the worst year of my life (besides this year), as far a bullying goes. All year, every day, people called me weird. I have a very vivid memory of a journal entry I wrote on one of those days when I had been called weird far more times than I could take. I remember writing, " I'm not weird, just different." I swear, even at that time i was always telling myself, "your brain works differently than everyone else's. It might make you seem weird, but its not really a bad thing. In fact, even though your brains a bit weird, you're lucky because your brain works amazingly well in a lot of ways!"
I am a genius, but I have Asperger's syndrome, and most people consider this a different "wiring" of the brain. I find it pretty amazon that I new this by age 8. I actually thought that I was the only person with this more extreme different "wiring" (aka my name for Asperger's syndrome until a few months ago), but, thanks to wrong planet, I know I'm not alone in the world.