My dreams are usually about my special interest, which is a musical group. A lot of the time, I'll be hanging out with one of the members. Often, I try to interact with them and they responded with some completely unrelated dialogue often.
Often, I have dreams about people dying or getting hurt. Also, I often have dreams where I am not actually in the dream, I'm just watching other people.
As a little kid, ALL my dreams were about animals. (Which I have heard is quite common in little kids autistic or not)
Object have never really thrilled me all that much, so that could also explain why I don't have object-based dreams that often.
One interesting thing about my dreams is that I have never had a flying dream. I mean, I have had dreams where I am flying in an airplane, but never, flying without help of human-made object. Usually, something goes wrong in these dreams. Like, once I had a dream that I was flying in airplane, in the exit row. The row had like 6 seats on each side and I was sitting into the 5th seat from the window, there were little kids in the 4 seats on one side of me and a person with low functioning autism on the other side. I was scared because I was far from the window and I was the only person in the row who'd be able to help in case of an emergency. The airplane had to make an emergency landing and I felt like it was going to crash as we were landing. We actually landed safely and my teacher was on the plane and I had to get his luggage from the back of the plane, take it across the tarmac and give it to him. That is actually the least scary "flying dream" that I have ever had.
Canadian, young adult, student demisexual-heteroromantic, cisgender female, autistic
Last edited by ocdgirl123 on 11 Apr 2011, 7:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.